Classically trained vocalist here to third this:
Do SOMETHING before you dive in. Yawn / hum in your lower registers to start, blow bubbles through a straw to warm up your lungs- something. Wake up your face before you use it.
Warming up means you can do more without burning out your voice.
Do SOMETHING before you dive in. Yawn / hum in your lower registers to start, blow bubbles through a straw to warm up your lungs- something. Wake up your face before you use it.
Warming up means you can do more without burning out your voice.
Reposted from
Burn, NSFW Bunny VA
Trained Theatre Professional (once upon a time) here to second this. It doesn’t need to be anything crazy, but stretch out your face and mouth, do some trills up and down through your vocal range, a tongue twister or two. A little goes a LONG way