Thank you!! Yes I feel so good about this match up—which is funny, I think it’s one of the ones early reviewers rebounded off so hard, haha. But I still believe in it
3 of swords is actually a more nuanced card than it looks at first glance. Being stabbed in the heart indicates clear betrayal, but it’s worth asking:who is betraying whom?
In my version, the crane wife is harming herself to financially support her and her husband. But she’s keeping that a secret—
Her husband sees her becoming more ill until finally he breaks his promise to never look in on her while she works, and finds her in crane form mutilating herself. She leaves him immediately afterwards.
He broke his promise—but how could he not when she was clearly in pain? No good answers
The rider Waite 3 of swords is one of the most iconic. But it’s still confusing for most new readers and visually it’s kind of an outlier
I wanted to capture that visceral Stabbed-in-the-heart feel with a story that made the card make sense
In my version, the crane wife is harming herself to financially support her and her husband. But she’s keeping that a secret—
He broke his promise—but how could he not when she was clearly in pain? No good answers