He's also stupid. People need to remember, being nominated does not mean they are the brightest, graduated at the top of the class, have ethics, scruples, honor or integrity. Being nominated to be a judge, SCOTUS included, is a popularity contest...that's it. The guy is not that bright.
I'm just a dumb scientist, so I probably don't understand tricky legal stuff. But there's all kinds of things in Article 1 of Constitution that are Legislation Branch's bailiwick that donny's Exec Branch is trying to infringe on. Like appropriations passed by Congress.
Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh & Gorsuch have formed the MAGA bro group and are willing to do anything ex: raw sewage can be dumped in rivers etc. no brains just liberal hate
The Supreme Court ruled against Trump in the USAID case, but 4 justices backed a dangerous idea: that the executive branch can overrule the legislative. The Court upheld balance this time, but the threat remains. The judiciary, legislature, and democracy itself are on the line.
Alito is the worst of the worst. This has been my constant belief for over a decade. He is completely compromised. Federalist Society and OPUS DEI.
Nothing impartial about him.
Wonderful to see you here my friend. We followed each other on Twitter. Trying to reconnect with everyone.
Unchecked? Is he stupid? It went to the SCOTUS.
Nothing impartial about him.
Wonderful to see you here my friend. We followed each other on Twitter. Trying to reconnect with everyone.
Sam Alito is compromised and should not be on any bench. He’s damaged goods.