Go here and ask these people if the US Marines made them safer or more free or happier or any god damn thing but deader and poorer than when we showed up.
I built that patrol base that isn't there anymore. Right between those two houses. I lived there. Watched friends get blown up there. Waved food morning to the farmer neighbor every day at 530. Ate supper there. Watched about a hundred sunsets there. We didn't help those people.
They gritted their teeth at our intrusion into their lives. Every-time we tried to help we did it wrong because no one bothered to talk to the people before we helped. I remember one guy saying he had never seen a taliban until we showed up. Lol
Whole god damn war was a shit show and fuck anyone who thought it was worth it. All we ever did was kill and get killed while fat cats zilched a trillion dollars. this sucks now but it's just our fucking karma for 20 years of traipsing through other peoples lives & countries leaving a path of death