Wierdo things: he would go into my room when I wasn't home and go though my private stuff, like paper notes I had with my gf, my computer would show me when it was last signed in while I wasn't home. I caught him one day too when I came home from school early.
That is awesome. I’m glad to hear that. I am going to sleep all day because I just finished a 12 hour K drama. I finished all the episodes in one night so I’m a little tired. I also just had my morning coffee so I’m definitely gonna go to bed now.
Aww haha, can’t beat binge watching something awesome ☺️. It’s always a good sign when you have to stay awake to keep watching 😅. Hope you get great sleep 😴☺️
Thank you it was pretty cute. I may had spoiled it myself on Google because I was so afraid it was gonna end like shit so I kinda knew how it ended or at least I asked if it ended positive.
Side note: This actor looks like the twin of one of my mom's ex-boyfriends. I can't unsee it. Guy was a weirdo
Oh… that… unfortunate I’m sorry to hear that
I’m okay and you?
Have you anything nice planned today?
What are you up?