I find it abhorrent vile & disturbingly dangerous following an racially motivated narrative describing Pakistanis as having the sole responsibility for grooming gangs 3% but white males & females 86% are portrayed as Paedophile rings truly disgusting 🤢. Scout leaders ⚽ coaches, vicars,Priests,etc.
How about having members of Parliament undergo a criminal records check like everybody else who has access to schools? And while we are at it, why not do random drugs testing too like members of the Armed Forces?
The mandatory drug check needs to be brought in, no question.
These wonks are in a position of authority it should be standard like every other profession with the same criteria.
I think they should have a report including; what and how they voted, hours in parliament, surgeries held, member interests, expenses, committee work etc, just a one pager, maybe monthly. It's the sort of thing you do in business to prove your worth
I’m abhorred by the distraction of the real crux of this issue being [mostly] MEN and NOT a Left/Right issue. Political point scoring at the detriment to its victims 😡
I agree but my post was regarding society as a whole. Political tribalism over issues such as these is rediculous. We all know it’s Left/Right/Centre…every bloody where. Why people have to try and outdo one another on who’s the worst is so frustrating. Boils my pish 🤷🏻♂️
Lots of people follow the lead of said politicians and celebrities- although IMHO not always choosing the best role models. Imagine a population that worked together to provide a caring society…wouldn’t it be great? I share your frustration.
As an ex-pupil of a private boarding school (in the 1950s), but as a ‘day boy’ not a ‘boarder’, I can confirm that this analysis is broadly correct. Some of the Masters were venal and certainly not to be trusted. All pupils, even at an extremely young age, knew who they were and what went on.
Almost as if they're trying to cover something up that they don't want the nation to know about, much like young offenders' boarding schools where much abuse took place......... 🤔
Verious published works. Proved that systematic abuse was being conducted in Ireland.
Boston (Spotlight)
Kincora. In Northern Ireland.
Recently the Church of England has come under scrutiny.
Sorry Tan, love your work, but I think that's a bit of a wild generalisation! 😘
I think the Tories are fighting to save their totally unjustifiable sense of superiority, a totem of which is the public school system.
As much as churches are the paedophile rings that Christians are fighting to save and athletics clubs the paedophile rings that sportspeople are fighting to save.
Maybe we should all lift our heads up and see the bigger problem.
If you are concerned about Child Sexual Abuse, then take a listen to this ... It's about the prep school (now closed) that Boris Johnson went to.
Other episodes feature Gordonstoun and Eton.
Child abuse is evil people doing evil things. It's not about ethnicity.
Repression leads to more sexual abuse than anything else in the world. After all, sexual abuse has more to do with power and control and lack of than anything else. Celibacy and other practices of this natural are as abhorrent as some of the things they try to repress and this...
I knew a fella who was quite posh, went to gprdonstone same place Charlie went.
He said he’d been abused by nonces there and it fucked up his life.
He was a bit of a drug addict.
Very exclusive and lots of aristo families sent their offspring there….
Just saying...
Not that it seems to matter in other democracies …
These wonks are in a position of authority it should be standard like every other profession with the same criteria.
Boston (Spotlight)
Kincora. In Northern Ireland.
Recently the Church of England has come under scrutiny.
Thanks for the recommendation 👍
I think the Tories are fighting to save their totally unjustifiable sense of superiority, a totem of which is the public school system.
Maybe we should all lift our heads up and see the bigger problem.
If you are concerned about Child Sexual Abuse, then take a listen to this ... It's about the prep school (now closed) that Boris Johnson went to.
Other episodes feature Gordonstoun and Eton.
Child abuse is evil people doing evil things. It's not about ethnicity.
He said he’d been abused by nonces there and it fucked up his life.
He was a bit of a drug addict.
Very exclusive and lots of aristo families sent their offspring there….