I visited the peace park in Hiroshima last October. I cried my eyes out & could not believe man’s inhumanity to man & just like when I visited a Buchenwald concentration camp it left a huge impression on me .History is there to learn from, you cannot simply erase it because it makes u uncomfortable🤦♀️
The “Enola Straight” will be the plane that ends up nuking Ukraine or Ontario after a minor twitter spat about trans authors’ books being stocked in a library gets way out of hand…
Someone on Reddit mentioned "Tyson Homosexual".
Google that one - cackled like a loon for a good ten minutes.
The stupidity of filters to catch words backfired in that case.
The clownery of that one - and only after it happened did those involved remove the word "gay" from the filters they were using.
Don't let them get away with it.
I thought Scotland loved trump.. eh no Scots hate him.
That photo of Janey doing a high five confirmed it for me.. 😆
Mention anything about trump now and you're banned..😆
Hey Tan? Is this you from way back?! 😎