The reality is, the govt failed to release the impact assessment with Kendall’s reform announcements because they wanted the reality of 250k people (including 50k kids) falling into poverty to be buried.
Forcing worried people to wait another week to know the truth.
Forcing worried people to wait another week to know the truth.
Nearly 50% of new cars sold in Northern Ireland are bought with mobility allowance.
Balance the books by forcing people into poverty and attacking the disabled, beyond words.
I hope they get wiped out next election.
I don't care who wins anymore,they are all the same
But as it stands at the moment , Torys and Labour are two peas in a pod
Why can't a Labour government make that happen in the 6th richest economy on the planet?
- they're planning to up the minimum age of the UC health top up, meaning that disabled young people won't get the help they need
-they're HALVING the health top up for new claimints
In my case, I'm a single working parent, in a full-time job, in 'affordable rent' that I need UC to help pay for.
Single income households don't get taken into account properly.
Then there are a million disabled people that are about to hit the same issue.
So where are the million disabled accessible jobs?