Shut down the internet! We've found perfection. This is the apex. It was delicious and so very colorful! Made it with a little less sugar because if it's like you... it's super sweet already! You're always so creative. Thank you for sharing!
What an honor and a joy to be able to reflect some of your love and light back to you! This world is so much better for having you in it. As Cookie Monster might say, 'when times get tough, me eat cookie.'
They came out of the oven scorchingly hot, a blur of motion flew through our kitchen. Left on, the tray was nothing but crumbs. A belch from the next rooms confirmed my teenage son approved. I'll make another batch tomorrow. Maybe this time, I'll get to try them. 10/10 so we were told.
I got that in the office slack about a cake I made yesterday and it may be what saves my week!