Basically, there are two evil Luzes in this AU and it depends on which social media you see it on. The one that comes out of the portal is the Evil Luz from Tumblr and Instagram. The one with the robe is the Evil Luz from Reddit and Twitter
Evil Luz, like the canon one, was a fan of The Good Witch Azura (which here is Camila's dying gift, since Manny is the alive parent), but after a lot of bullying, she started seeing Villainous Lucy as a role model instead of Azura. Also, in Reddit Luz's case, Hunter accidentally killed Amity
Here’s the post credit scene from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
Luzifer: "What she said."
Hunter: "Well, it all started with Gus showing me awesome Marvel Comics books."
Both Luzes: "SAY NO MORE."