Tax that would be going to help support the very people he claims he’s fighting for. Lying self serving grifter and his supporters are too dumb to see it.
As an overseas tax payer, I can attest that is is quite hard to stop HMRC taxing any income that originates in UK. Just saying "I'm non resident" doesn't do it. They demand proof from an overseas tax jurisdiction that you are paying tax SOMEWHERE (and that's assuming there's even a DTT)
There does seem to be something of a correlation between wealthy people who proclaim their patriotism very loudly and wealthy people who do all they can to avoid paying UK taxes.
From what I read the other day, TR appears to have lied to get it. Claimed he was born in Ireland, which is not true. The Irish authorities are investigating.
That all seems rather odd, because you’d think he had to provide evidence of eligibility when applying for the passport, and his mother was Irish, so that would have allowed him to get the passport without lying.
It's all about the grift. The narcissist only cares about himself and would burn the world for an extra digit on his bank balance, it doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process.
(kochani bracia, sprawdźcie moje wpisy na temat tego durnia).
Supporting Scottish independence from his villa in the West Indies.
Not many, I was on the run feom the courts
But don't forget, it was ultimately the taxman who brought down Al Capone.