This account isn't for money, it's to make people laugh. If I make money, yay. If I don't, I need to try to get disability. I have a year to try and then my hubby is making me. So far, it's not working out.
Go for the disability now. Get a rep that only gets paid if they win. Don't even bother trying without one. It can take 3 years to get it even with one. If it still exists in 3 years under Trump. I've run an online business. You have to have money to make money & work insane hours promoting.
It is scary but delaying just makes the anxiety last longer. If you aren't seeing a therapist start doing that because documenting the mental health burden of chronic illness can help your disability case - it did mine. You can always give up the fight but not if you don't start it.
This is me, but as I'm weighing the pros and cons of dating again, dying alone, or just waiting to get bussed off to the colonies with the rest of the spinsters of Gilead