My veins are so scarred, and my pain tolerance is pretty high, I actually feel bad for them when they’re trying to get mine. They sometimes apologize to me, and I’m apologizing to them, even though I obviously am not CHOOSING for my veins to be evasive. 😅
The worst is when you get someone who is not up to the task. They won't give up because they see it as a challenge. They always blame your veins, when everyone knows a poor worker blames their tools. I have had to tell people to stop if they can't "find" the vein in my arm. There are other ones.
They’re only allowed to try three times before swapping out with another worker, who can also try three times, before swapping out with another coworker who can try three times. If three phlebs can’t get it, a nurse must try. Fun fact!
Wow. Good to know, but I have had to demand this as many won't give up. Some labs are staffed by just one person. 😓 So major hassle to have to reschedule.
Definitely a major hassle. And coming out with that many holes and bruises isn’t fun! I went through three phlebs and two nurses once before a surgery 😅 I hope the next time you get labs 🧪 you have a highly skilled venipuncturist! 🖤