The students should ask their teachers and parents
-Do you lie?
-Did you commit adultery?
-The Bible says honor your mother and father, so why do you treat Grandpa like that?
It is so weird that the GOP wants to post the list of commands from God that Trump has crapped on - most repeatedly - one every time he opens his mouth.
Over and over again, I said, how hypocritical can the Republicans be? Not to say Democrats don’t break some commandments. I have. I with good conscience I could not run for office and expect people to follow commandments I couldn’t follow. I have a conscience.
If people need to be reminded that they should not murder and steal on daily bases then we have failed as humans. (Also reminding children not to commit adultery seems very on point. 🙃🙄)
The law kills but the spirit gives life…doesn’t surprise me those self righteous hypocrites wld try to pull such a move. They are the “do as I say NOT as I do crowd”. Wolves in sheep’s clothing - all of them.
I will never forget when Roy Moore argued with Jake Tapper about being sworn into office. He believed they had to be a Christian because they used a bible. A person being sworn in could choose any book. John Adam’s chose a book of law, because he was being sworn to protect the constitution.
No other God? F that, GO TRUMP!
No coveting? F that, GO TRUMP!
Bearing false witness? Already done, GO TRUMP!
they preach (constantly)..
called hypocrisy
-Do you lie?
-Did you commit adultery?
-The Bible says honor your mother and father, so why do you treat Grandpa like that?