When (or if) the U.S. ever comes out of the era of Trumpism, we clearly need to codify much of what we’ve considered “norms”, completely overhaul campaign finance laws, and end Citizen’s United.
Reposted from
Jordan Uhl
"Trump is keeping secret the names of the donors who are funding his transition effort, a break from tradition that could make it impossible to see what interest groups, businesses or wealthy people are helping launch his second term."
Hang on to your wigs and keys bc 2.0 is going to be constant “unprecedented” moves. Kid Rock will be the Czar of Aging Asses
The Left once they regain power, let them get off the hook. All in the name of restoring national unity. The Right has learned there are no consequences.
No campaigning until that time. Elections have become a non stop industry.
* No career politicians
* Outlaw lobbying
* Campaigns have a set amount of tax dollars to send
* Top vetted campaigns are limited to the tax funding
* No contributions…private, corporate, public, whatever
* Campaigns limited to just a few months like other countries
As long as Citizen's United and 'anonymous' Super PAC's exist...we're doomed.
It's working exactly as THEY planned.
Our Republican leaders rely on the spread of ignorance, our schools are the first line of defense. Future voting generations must be educated to recognize lies.
There are a limited amount of billionaires at this time.