Here's the deal man the American people I think these days are more short-sighted. As I said before the vitriol all these things have been going on since I've been a kid but what has neutralized it is the fact that we have had two term presidents consecutively
Those days are gone and I think the significance of that can't be overstated. I think the patterns were there when we started seeing Congress change hands every now and again for the first time back in the 90s
Ultimately let the American people to realize that switching presidents is also sometimes necessary. Therefore that consistency that we had in getting to know a president it's gone. Meaning the patience the American people have for getting things done is gone
People think Republicans are stupid because they promote policies that are against the majority will but the reality is they take advantage of governing those policies when they have the power knowing it will be hard to reverse
When Democrats come in and when Democrats govern they try to make everyone happy and they don't fight for their policies when they're in the minority so until the Democratic party decides to stop being the adult party
Everything you're talking about it really doesn't matter at that point and that is the issue here. I think is right when he says maybe the Democrats need to stop being the adult party
We should never forget that there were more people who couldn't be bothered to give enough of a damn to vote than there were who affirmatively voted for him.
(yes I know about voter suppression via disenfranchisement which is real but I'm pointing at legally eligible voters)
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(yes I know about voter suppression via disenfranchisement which is real but I'm pointing at legally eligible voters)