If this is true it shows that the Ukrainian opposition is smarter than Trump. Admittedly that doesn't set the bar very high but still, remind me again why Trumplethinskin is "the people's choice"?
In case people missed it, Trump is a treasonous scumbag. I'd like to see the reaction if Ukraine tried to overthrow him (which I'd be entirely in favor btw) !
Not to mention that they can't. Ukrainian law prohibits having an election during wartime. Either Putin's puppet's team didn't know that or they were pushing for an illegal election. Let's overthrow this asshole already.
our "leadership" is truly showing their close ties to putin.... pretty sure that's treason..... they are pushing bringing back the firing squads... well, what was the most common use of firing squads?
Trump thinks he can always find other corrupt people to help him manipulative things. That's his entire life. He's an absolute con artist. There is absolutely nothing honest about him at all.
He has zero respect for others. He lies constantly because it worked for Hitler - it's called the Big Lie.
It's amusing how we all share the duty to protect and defend the Constitution. Nonetheless, certain individuals have roles that necessitate taking an Oath of Office, committing to defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and are therefore more accountable.
Hope the brave people of Ukraine join EU soon. We can use that character, morality and persistence.
They know a Russian stooge when they see one !
He has zero respect for others. He lies constantly because it worked for Hitler - it's called the Big Lie.
A whore for sale.
That was Putin's original plan in 2022, attack Kiyv, kill Zelenskyy and replace him with a puppet.