Yeah so which side of the fence you on today then? Your words may be true in this instance but then again you were also telling us Brexit was a good idea as well. I think your rag also kisses the Trump ring to boot - so excuse me if I take anything you have to say with a grain of salt.
I know a lot of people that abuse our system. A lot. If we can find a way to the provide for the genuine, is that not a better way to use public funds? We do need to review.
Reminds me of my village years ago. They all said a bloke up the street was pretending to be blind to get benefits. This went on for years. Turned out he had MS and had intermittent blindness. He wasn't pretending at all.
It'll be stripped from everyone who fails to make the PIP 4pts in one descriptor requirement - Really difficult to get no matter how disabled you are - which in practical terms means potentially over a million disabled people suddenly having no no PIP, no LCWRA, no Carer's Allowance.
Also, the reality is that in your world you don’t mean mix with certain strains of our society. I do. I know and have strived not to be pulled into it.
Apart from being grossly unethical, it makes no economic sense at all.
We have already seen for years how slashing social services has had a massive knock-on cost to the NHS, loss of productivity, we all know the story.
So what the heck is going on?
We had a GE, but who would know it?
It's the idiotic, delusional ideology of Austerity, aka monetarism. Until recently this was a discredited 19th century ideology. Just the idea that the state, issuer of a national currency, could balance the budget is too irrationale to imagine. Welcome to the madness of our debt based money system
It's not. It's an ideological shortcut.' A belief that if they are cruel enough, America and the corporations will smile upon them, forsaking their own souls.
This was the first thought my family and I had about the green paper. Before I managed to get PIP, local social services were paying in full for my care. Without carers allowance my mum will have to up her work hours again so I'll need even more paid care. It's moving the cost, not actually "saving"
When they stop the benefits, people will not be able to get insulin, oxygen, heart meds, mental health meds, what will happen?
This is the choice of the Republican party. If you are against it, then stop it, if you do not, you are just as guilty as if you took the meds right out of their hands.
Sadly, the response of Councils would probably be to raise their eligibility criteria for access to adult social care. So the cost would not increase, but unmet need would grow.
As far as I can tell, the British governing class is at war with the productive economy. All their actions seem to be directed to making the lives of workers ever more dickensian.
#austerity has become an end in itself: class war.
I am so disappointed in Starmer’s govt. This is every bit as awful as Osborne’s carnage😡I know exactly how scared and anxious Lu would be if she’d lived even with us to cushion that blow. Imagine being alone in this. Doesn’t bear thinking about.
We have already seen for years how slashing social services has had a massive knock-on cost to the NHS, loss of productivity, we all know the story.
So what the heck is going on?
We had a GE, but who would know it?
This is the choice of the Republican party. If you are against it, then stop it, if you do not, you are just as guilty as if you took the meds right out of their hands.
#austerity has become an end in itself: class war.
It is time to start having talks with older people to prevent this from occuring.