I wanted to send some thanks your way again. I know voicing the truth gets you a lot of flak from the bigots/cowards, and I appreciate that you're still here.
You're part of how and why I've gotten involved with firearms and self defense again, and why I've worked to teach other girls. Thank you.
If you are Trans, a Woman, Indigenous, Black, Latino, Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, or are likely to get fucked with by a fascist/authoritarian state... Get armed and get medical kits; get appropriate training for these; build a community with good information security and communications backups.
Probably more acute for those groups mentioned but I am a white, retired, financially secured person living in a blue state, and I have recently done everything you’ve suggested. We are all in deep trouble.
You're part of how and why I've gotten involved with firearms and self defense again, and why I've worked to teach other girls. Thank you.