Do they need a simple majority to be approved? They’re clearly jumped up by RKJr. Trump doesn’t know shit about anything. Maybe they want to kill off old, sick and immune compromise people. I wouldn’t doubt it. Fucking supremacists in every possible way.
It’s terrifying. I live in Hawaii and so many people here who used to be Democrats and progressives flipped to Trump because of their anti-VAX hysteria. I had a guy tell me the other day that we’ve been lied to about the existence of cells. It’s the dark ages. Scary times.
I would ask of them, "Will you stay out of emergency rooms and clinics for the rest of you life? Will you not take your a family member to mainstream caregivers for illness or injury? They might slip that vaccine into the 'medicine' they provide. How can you trust them?" Shorten the wait.
Trump is the cause. Trump created the distrust with lies. I hate that man for how he lies about everything for self gain. He doesn’t deserve the job of potus as he lied to maga for votes not to mention he’s a criminal.
The public HAS lost faith in the CDC and FDA, because of the crazy coo-coo things DonOld said about Covid in a presser every afternoon with those people standing behind him.