Nope, that’s not how it works. True “Christians” know that Don is against everything the Bible teaches. False prophets tell us who they are, believe them, the first time! 🙏🏽
Jesus never trusted the church either. Some people are so wrong for calling themselves Christians and doing what’s wrong, and hateful and violent. Can’t they pick another group to defame?
In Jesus' defense, he says he "never knew them!" He even warned that "Many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and deceive many." So yes, they come saying they are Christians "but they are ravenous wolves." They will have their part in the lake of fire. No worries.
The " church " .Call me a skeptic . I don't consider any of these . " for profit " , meaning profiting some pseudo preacher , or TV Evangelist, fire breathing . " Trump is ordained by God ." . institutions .......' churches".They're nothing more than right wing propaganda outlets in many cases .
I see why'd you think that. This nationalism, this aggression and hatred is not what it was supposed to be... Not what we were called to. So many of us have lost sight of being a servant. Instead, many of us have become overlords. I'm sorry. Some of us have not forgotten tho. We'll fight for you
Especially when he did a sa with a microphone while addressing the public. I'm guessing that at that point Musk had already told him he won pre election.
My Great Grandfather used to argue that "God wasn't in a building, he was out in the woods." I value my Roman Catholicism, but I hate being middled, and I'm not picking up the tab for those s*x abuse lawsuits.
As a kid, I remember all the rich televangelists, heartless proselytizers, and casual bigots making exceptions to "love thy neighbor." It's why I ultimately left my church when the rot spread.
Good luck to the good Christians trying to clean your house. It's a terribly uphill battle you're fighting
I’ve read the Bible several times and am 1) grateful to see Jesus call out the same shit that republicans are doing now and 2) disgusted to see it being used as a weapon. It talks about this type of thing happening with leadership.. Luke 12:1 big time.
The cultists suck up to whomever has power, encouraging those with power to perpetrate violence against those the cultists hate.
No. Don't tell me your church isn't like that. They all are.
Actual jesus - "any man who does not hate his mother and father, brother and sister, wife and child, truly this man is not worthy to be my follower"
Good luck to the good Christians trying to clean your house. It's a terribly uphill battle you're fighting