Wow. When the 911 call came in about the shooting at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin, officers were training for literally this type of scenario 3 miles away. "So what began as a training day became an actual thing," the Madison police chief said.
Let that sink in.
Let that sink in.
Making parents responsible for not securing their weapons and making them accessible to minors.
US citizens want stricter gun control, but the politicians are in the pockets of gun lobbyists.
Call your congressman and demand they pass it.
(202) 224-3121
We, as a nation, are utterly pathetic.
Training to handle it 'after the fact' doesn't bring back those lives that were lost. Gun regulation would, but our spineless people who make decisions are too gutless to make that happen.
American gun culture is uniquely dystopian, where the right to own an arsenal is fiercely defended while the right to simply feel safe is ignored, even when it's the safety of children. 😡
When did the shooter die?
Think about that one too.
The only way to stop this is removing the guns. Even legislation won’t do much, if we’re being honest here.
Call Congress. Tell them to pass #EthansLaw. (202) 224-3121
The fear and anxiety you must carry whenever your children and in school must be awful.
I can’t imagine something more horrifying as a kid as active drill shooters from a young age and teachers trying to make it into a hide and be quiet “game”.
I just hate that money always comes first, even over kids’ lives.
walked toward the doors
noticed a bumper stick: Guns Save Lives. I could not believe it. But, that’s were we live.
9/11, 7/7, oslo, christchurch, boston, port arthur, Oklahoma, sandy hook, aurora, Estonia ferry,
I’m sure there’s more to add to the list
Shooting… 🤷🏻♂️