Absolutely, far too many people are getting more time for petty thief and NON-VIOLENT offenses... Future generations will think us MAD and rightly so!!! (Encouraging BAD behavior)
Willingly remaining silent and offering a red carpet to the very man they claimed would Destroy Democracy by ignoring section 3 of the 14th amendment and putting it up for a vote.
I agree with you . Almost need 3 rd party . So disappointed in Kamala and democrats . The old buzzards never retire . 3rd blue party we need younger smarter Aoc jasmine , Gretchen Whitmer ,Gavin Pete B I believe in these people .Democrats stopped fighting grow some fuckin balls .
Everyone remotely associated with or even just suspected of participating in it should have been hung in the gallows they constructed. Trials are unnecessary!
The attack on the Capitol was treason. They should have gotten life in prison without parole. Tfg should have been in a cell with them instead of in the Oval Office.
if they get out soon, I see Elmo as likely to pay them to run for local office, or trump will demand that they do to pay HIM off, in order to impliment MAGA policies on a local level. I know in my Mass town, 1 is all that wd be necessary to trigger anti-immigrant policies, and we'd have one coming.
But surely there are MORE PEOPLE who should be in prison. Not just the foot soldiers, but the organisers, plotters, propagandists and enablers.
Those guys & girls.
When the audience was chanting "lock him up" during VP Kamala's rallies, she always said "let the courts do their job" and look what happened. She trusted our legal system, as many of did, and here we are.
If the Capitol was protected in the same manner as the WH, any attempted breach would have been met with deadly force. Given that the purpose of the riot on Jan. 6 was to overthrow the U.S. Government, which is treason if committed by a US citizen, the sentences should be severe.
I agree totally, especially for the ring leaders which would include trump himself because he encouraged it with his words at that rally. I refuse to excuse him because supposedly he said "peacefully", he also said fight or you will lose the nation, and they fought with flagpoles and fists.
Not gonna happen since Trump will pardon them and instead order his DOJ to arrest and execute those who defended the capitol and were on the J6 committee.
after their trial and when found guilty they should be given the choice, life in prison w/o parole, or the death penalty. treason against our country demands harsher sentences
Guys this is misleading and we shouldn’t lie like the other side. If I am not mistaken not one was charged with Insurrection. Four plead to seditious conspiracy. Most were charged with obstructing a proceeding. Charges were warranted but long sentences for misdemeanor charges hurt us with the voters
Should an owner/CEO get off if they indirectly/directly ask an employee to commit a crime, collude, or they reward for an employee to do a crime? No, but they do all the time. This is Trump to his core business beliefs. Why laws do not address the beneficiary of a crime very well is beyond me.
More important than prison, a system that is barbaric here in the States, I say we put them all through reeducation camps. Apparently Ivermectin didn’t kill the brain worms.
The pardon power should NOT allow a president to help a criminal whose crime was an act against the USA, to have the consequences of that act be reduced or eliminated!
Such a pardon is in effect, becoming an Accessory After the Fact!
I've been saying that for years.. Sadly Trump has promised to Pardon them.. .Will he? Not sure.. he's not good at keeping promises unless they are Criminal and this one is.
And to not be allowed to be president. Every single politician who didn’t fight Trump’s Unconstitutional certification betrayed the country today and will go down in history as cowards who sold us out to Russian spies and neo-nazis.
Trump said the blood is being poisoned. Wow… a tree with no branches
Rachel Maddow podcast Ultra. The past does matter, learn. Don’t let others tell you who you are.
I feel so sorry for the Capital Police. It must feel terrible knowing half the people in the Capital don’t care if you live or die. Republicans are heinous.
yes like every one of them getting like without parole all their stuff taken Then having jail time suspended and they must go find a job
They get on help form gov and must always wear a bright red jump suit with the word traitor in florescent yellow all over it
ya Im hard
btw about 3M ppl who went into this
After all they did conspire with ppl who did the act making them accessories before the fact and then supported them after the act making them same after
Hell take everything they have make them all work min wage jobs to live on the street with
Taxes way down
Absolutely. The judges made it acceptable, when they wagged their fingers as a "sentence." Many served less time for committing an insurrection, than I spent paying my car loan. That just isn't right😡😡😡
As does the main plotter and planner, your president electt donald j trump. Please President Biden and Garland release the report, he’s still claiming he had no involvement, lies, lies, lies. Please no more lies let the people know the traitor he is. If we continue to allow lies to flow unchecked???
He better pardon Mark Milley that freaky looking terriost l Patel will go after Mark milley for treason he even said it on video . Drunken bastard for Dod for military I would agree . These sick people revenge 4 years . I thought we were greatest country on earth not anymore .
This one guy that tried to kidnapped Gretchen Whitmer than ratted on everyone else . Is out of jail.He tried to run for sheriff in our town . Thank god he didn’t win . He had maga rallies lot people supported guy .. I live in small town here in n Michigan .i agree longer sentences 💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸
Give them the max sentence only for them to get pardoned and walk free the first week trump is in office? I get it and I fully agree but it wouldn’t happen.
I said then, and nothing has convinced me since that I was too harsh, that at minimum we need to amend the Constitution to declare all those involved in 1/6/21 guilty with no right of appeal so that they may be burned at the stake on the Mall on the evening of the next July 4.
Not even one objection to an Insurrectionist.
Willingly remaining silent and offering a red carpet to the very man they claimed would Destroy Democracy by ignoring section 3 of the 14th amendment and putting it up for a vote.
The nation deserved better!
We really need to ramp up our opposition to RFKjr
Heading HHS. This is insane!
#StopRFKHHS #VivaJimmyCarter #USDemocracy #HHS
But surely there are MORE PEOPLE who should be in prison. Not just the foot soldiers, but the organisers, plotters, propagandists and enablers.
Those guys & girls.
Two-tier justice is here.
They failed the test. They have no spines, and what comes after today is on them.
#democrats are complicit. The party is complicit and should be dismantled.
Such a pardon is in effect, becoming an Accessory After the Fact!
He should be charged with Treason.
Oh wait .... there are laws already. SMDFH
Rachel Maddow podcast Ultra. The past does matter, learn. Don’t let others tell you who you are.
They get on help form gov and must always wear a bright red jump suit with the word traitor in florescent yellow all over it
ya Im hard
After all they did conspire with ppl who did the act making them accessories before the fact and then supported them after the act making them same after
Hell take everything they have make them all work min wage jobs to live on the street with
Taxes way down
Put your thinking cap on.
I'm looking squarely at you, GOP.