Check out his Education and Job resume.
He has world banking on his side.
There is truly very little bad press ever against him.
He didn't fully turn Britain around like he wanted to but they rejected everything he tried to do for them.
Well if it makes you feel any better he does have a PhD in economics and a resume that includes being the Governor of two national banks of G7 nations. 🇨🇦
I’m jealous that Canada has a sane, articulate head of government, a vibrant democracy, freedom of speech, DEI, a much more welcoming immigration policy, allies, a stable civil service, a cadre of senior officials who aren’t incompetent, corrupt, and fascist, much lower gun violence & crime…
I keep finding myself humming the Canadian national anthem. I've heard it dozens of times at baseball games, so I even know most of the words!
"We stand on guard for thee" is a cry for patriots to stand together and protect their country.
I hope enough of us & those in power can do that here!
Ive performed the Canadian anthem often as a musician throughout my life (lived in a border town growing up). I love their anthem! I also love Canada and her people. Siding with Canada these days and against US government. I just hope a Canadian doesn't shoot me before I can help them.
Trump's attacks on Canada are repulsive—divisive, cruel. Grateful for folks like you who see the difference between people and those in power. It’s a true gift of graciousness (American heads are hanging low these days). Know that many Americans, including me, are fighting for Team Canada.
True but Trumps attacks on his own country are even more baffling. I have always hated the douchebag. I have lots of strong beautiful Americans in my life. They all see thru him. I just hope and pray something changes soon for All of us
i’m so jealous of many other countries right now with legit leaders. with our shot show of a dictator, i’m just sitting here in a bucket of absolute shame and sadness.
He has world banking on his side.
There is truly very little bad press ever against him.
He didn't fully turn Britain around like he wanted to but they rejected everything he tried to do for them.
To have a leader who can truth, empathize, think of others…
"We stand on guard for thee" is a cry for patriots to stand together and protect their country.
I hope enough of us & those in power can do that here!
Not even one!!
Those guys are cool.