If it's genuine friends and relationships you're looking for, it helps to approach people who don't know or care who you are, from my personal experiences anyways.
Some social lubricant as a group also helps, but I'm also a bad influence :P haha
Sometimes I feel like that when groups I'm in get into tech talk and I just vibe with what they're saying. Nothing wrong with that per sey, but I do get the outsider feeling of it all.
I've just gotten used to being eternally socially tangent at this point, but yeah it does feel awkward. Is part of the reason why I'm not super into furry cons.
Hunny. I understand. I hope you feel better soon. I'm too shy to join you as I feel sometimes I'm not worth it. ^^; I'd love to just sometime sit and talk. But feel embarrassed. Aaa.
Just stick around a group and visit often, eventually you are accepted as part of that group, but do make sure you take interest and actively participate in what the group is doing, if it doesn't interest you then it's probably not the right group for you.
I'm new to @resonite.com , but I think its very important what you're doing. It was your eye tracking in NeOS yt videos that really got my attention. You're a leader. Followers fit in. Leaders are busy taking first steps. You have so many followers, me included, finding how we fit in your world.
Some social lubricant as a group also helps, but I'm also a bad influence :P haha
I feel like I have a lot of friends, but to be honest, rarely do I feel like I belong.