Random question, but the anniversary bundles usually drop by now, where is this years? we havent even seen hints of it really. Just leaks and guess work.
Even though having to run 2 TFO's didn't bother me, I do appreciate anything that respects players time like this change for those who don't have the free time to run 2 TFO's so Thumbs Up from me
Thank you and thank the folks at DECA for listening to and responding to our comments! If I can paraphrase Humphrey Bogart, "Counselor, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
That is amazing news. Thank you for listening. It's not like we don't want to play the content, but some of us have lives (shocking) outside of STO, and have to make sacrifices what we play vs what we need to play to complete the dailies! Idea of adding the patrols to the bag was brilliant!