It’s old man Loki’s goodbye day tomorrow and we’re trying to spend a lot of time with him, but he mostly wants to sleep. Reserved Bear on the other hand, seems to know something’s up and is getting super liberal with his bruxes, boggles, and cuddles.
#petrats #skyrats
#petrats #skyrats
Meet Luther , stringer bell & idris
OH but I introduced an innovation that's saving tiny lives!
In two hours it was perky, grooming and cleaning its fur, eating, drinking normally. My managers noticed how well it recovered, and now they've made it store practice to provide a heat lamp for rodents.
It's been helping them fend off respiratory and digestive ailments!
And then I found out from your posts what boggling and bruxing are. And I was like, "oh, they like me!"
But that's still good! I want every animal guest of mine to live happily under my care.