Just a reminder, due process is the second most important feature to our democracy. It is the essence of freedom. Every single human is inherently free and deserves due process. Don't ever let someone tell you that it's not a big deal. #politics
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that sounds a lot like the OLD USA, before they immmediately accepted russia stealing their election, the very next day, as if it were normal, without any fuss at all.
that country is long gone, my friends. You feel nostalgia of course, but better face the new DOGE bleak reality, it faces you.
Due Process is how the current occupant of the White House got there. Now he is trying to take it away from others. Truly pathetic of the POS administration
I’m curious to know what you think is the most important? If you say voting I think you have them reversed. But maybe it’s like saying the Heart is more important than the lungs. Try living in the absence of either.
that country is long gone, my friends. You feel nostalgia of course, but better face the new DOGE bleak reality, it faces you.