Why is it so difficult to stand up to the crazy quack? They are so terrified of getting primaried? So, their oath to the Constitution means absolutely nothing?
A lot of them are from such gerrymandered districts that they don’t have to run anyway. No matter what they do, their constituents will never vote for a Democrat.
Hopefully when all of their gov checks/medicaid, etc. are gone, they might want to think about it. It's going to happen and they are already complaing but who knows...ignorance abounds!
Oralè Resister
White House is Fight House!
“We’re holding all the card”
“I’m not here to play cards”
Here Are Trump cards
#TrumpCards #Zelenskyy #SlavaUkraine #USDemocrafy #WHChaos
He had the biggest balls because he loves his country and he was desperate to get help for his people. And Trump and the rest of the Putin-loving GOP kicked him in the teeth.
Not giving this white man props yet because as History shows eventually they always fold like cheap suits I will wait and see what comes out of these Talks
If you're just learning about this, I would start with Victoria Nuland's phone call and go from there. Jeffery Sachs does a good job of explaining how warmongering deep state players in the US, toppled the Ukrain govt to expand NATO and get us into this mess.
praying our reps find their courage. Alexi Navalny was killed because he was fighting to free his people from the tyrant putin. President Zelensky is fighting to keep his people free from the tyrant putin. our pos president (chocking) seems to have sold us out
J.D. Vance is a fucking bitch! #ConvictedFelon47 is a draft dodger. The way these two assholes treated President Zelenskyy is absolutely fucking disgusting! I'm ashamed that these morons are the president and vice president! They don't know dick about anything and are both a far cry from a leader!
Ok, they are two imbeciles, correct, but the clown in the service of NATO deserves to be treated for what he is, a fascist who buried his country since the coup d'état by murdering his own people to satisfy the war industry, and what's more, he is not president, he is a usurper. !!!
No offense to the fabulous Mexican president and her people but I will be calling the Gulf by its new name until tRump and his ilk are removed from office anyway possible.
The bigger picture is the new world order that is being pushed. It's been being pushed since Reagan! George(Iraq war) Bush mentioned it. We (America) was said to be the biggest obstacle to it!!
We need to take this more seriously!! Right Now!!
This I like and I bet The Pres of Mexico would also. In fact I bet she could grab fatass by his fat neck and drag him to the map and make him look at it
Agreed and if you wanna know who one of the bravest human beings on earth is, it’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Watch Christian Amanpour’s reaction. It speaks volumes.
Gulf of Ukraine. President Zelensky is a President of his Nation and acts on behalf of his Nation.
We will lose sight of these facts, quickly if we let it happen.
So proud of that guy. He got in a car and went to the American Propaganda machine (aka: Fox) to speak out. This man's integrity is a sacred beacon of strength, a light in the dark and an example to us all.
REMINDER: Ukraine gave up nuclear weapons. Three decades ago, Ukraine was the third-largest nuclear power in the world. Ukraine agreed to completely denuclearize.
In exchange, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia guaranteed Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum.
OMG I love this!!!! Now THAT would have been fantastic. But don't stop with Putin's Orange Mouthpiece, don't forget that sniveling worm J.D. Vance sitting right next to him!!
This would have given me life. I'd prefer to see a bullet between his eyes and the back of his head blown off but I would have accepted this in the interim.
Young men in Ukraine are dying... horrible deaths... They are being forced to join the military to become fodder for the meat grinder that wars always are.
Where will the killing stop? Do you have a plan to make the killing stop? I hope it isn't defeating Russia militarily. Hitler had the same plan
I wouldn't be able to remain stoic if I were in his situation yesterday, being demeaned and smeared with false narratives by a backstabbing so-called ally, in front of cameras and press, and realising that it was a trap designed to make him out to be the obstacle hindering peace.
Admirable man.
After its dissolution in 1991, Ukraine became the third largest nuclear power in the world and held about one third of the former Soviet nuclear weapons, delivery system, and significant knowledge of its design and production..
Very well played...
! You will never have to run again. Muskrat has the tools!!
I hear they’ve renamed the L.A. River which is a polluted cesspool to the Trump River
White House is Fight House!
“We’re holding all the card”
“I’m not here to play cards”
Here Are Trump cards
#TrumpCards #Zelenskyy #SlavaUkraine #USDemocrafy #WHChaos
Florida = America teeny weeny
We need to take this more seriously!! Right Now!!
Arrest Krasnov
There are a half dozen legal reasons.
Leave it alone.
We will lose sight of these facts, quickly if we let it happen.
Gulf of Zelenskys Balls
Let it sinks this way !
Gulf of Zelensky !
In exchange, the U.S., the U.K. and Russia guaranteed Ukraine's security in a 1994 agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum.
Obama let Russia take Crimea.
Obama is obviously a Russian operative.
You win!
That video is about believable as those trump flags where he’s Rambo
Zelensky is brave. That is an understatement. Fighting for this long & keeping Russia at bay needs serious stones.
He is doing everything he can to save his country. He exposed that monster to the world & showed that he is not invincible.
Where will the killing stop? Do you have a plan to make the killing stop? I hope it isn't defeating Russia militarily. Hitler had the same plan
How about we just start referring to Trump things in reference to Zalenskyy or Ukraine?
Trump Towers is now Zalenskyy Towers.
Mara Lago is now Zalenskyy Greens.
Can we drop the "gulf of" bit?
Mexico is apparently expendable, so we can lose that.
My suggestion...
Admirable man.