We are fighting back, but the main news outlets and also the propaganda outlets are not showing the Protests much. But people are definitely #Fighting and #Protesting and Taking Action, however they can.
America appears to have lost main stream media and investigative reporters who actually "report the news" instead of giving their own biased opinion of it for corporate profit and ratings.
The MSM isn't covering the numerous town halls in red districts where congresspeople are running out the door scared. They aren't covering Bernie's tour. Things are happening but those billionaire-owned outlets are refusing to cover them.
It's time to use social media to really get the word out. Use of this platform and the others in a way to get down to the local areas.
During covid, many people were making apps to track where breakouts were, where vaccines were. Maybe that can help to get more out and show what's really happening.
Trust me, I have the same question, but, in the last few days I have seen a big shift in protests, which are actually growing is size, I been posting them as soon as I come across them, since I don't see the MSM reporting on it!
But we need to get out there guys, ALL of us, in the MILLIONS!
The MSM are silent because the owners do not want a frivolous lawsuit that would ruined them or have a merger blocked. Trump is getting rid of all criticisms from the news.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
George Washington.
I noticed that it is easier to get reporters to come to protest if the protest has a clear topic, like “Stand with Ukraine” or against firing government employees. But if protest is broad or anti trump they avoid reporting.
There have been TONS of protests, it's just not being covered by legacy media because they are owned by oligarchs who are benefiting from this regime. It's a means to try to suppress protest attendance
The Left became complacent while the Right mobilized and schemed. Bu fascism is beyond political ideologies. It's now time for ALL Americans who give a shit to awaken from their deep slumber and do something about what's happening to this once-great country.
No one can believe it? I don't know, the US was so good and comfortable before and now every US citizen is complacent and carrying on until THEY feel it? Individualist society? The hangover is/will be hard. Shock &awe and then too late?
I think major news refuse to report on these protest is the problem. How many of them report that thousands across the country are protesting? One journalist? 2 maybe?
Most of the media is not covering them. They’re happening practically daily and in some cases in every state capitol and other cities on the same day! No coverage.
From what I understand there have been protests in all 50 states; the state media just doesn’t tell us about them. I wish there were a single location to go and find where protests are happening.
And these announcements that proclaim we are not “fighting back” are destroying any progress that those of us are trying to fight are making. So what are you doing to fight back? Stop announcing that we’re not doing anything, it makes everyone want to give up, which is exactly what the “they” want
People tune out.
They wait till the computers and TV's go off.
They wait till we lose power.
Sometimes they just wait till the first bomb drops.
Then panic sets it.
Then fight.
Well,10 democrats found it necessary to vote to censure Al Green! Jeffries has been busy promoting his book and most of the others are on the sidelines!
Gross incompetence
It's getting there. At least in the Northeast. But not everyone here likes to leave in the winter/cold. Seasonal depression hits a lot of us hard too. I hope when spring comes, those who care, but hibernate will join the rest 🙂
As Americans, we tend to expect instant fixes. These things take time.
There are protests all over the country but state media has actively made it a point to not give it any visibility. Google among social media and legacy media think if we don't see it then it's not happening.
It’s not they are few, its that they aren’t covered by MSM. Maddow showed demonstrations around the country but most were never mentioned by traditional media outlets.
There are many, many demonstrations daily. Rachel Maddow covers them. Many people are getting off their couches, making signs and having a say. Yes, we need more. But don’t listen to the mainstream media and believe nothing’s happening out there. It is. It is happening.
Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of
Killing in the name of
Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
I keep asking the same question. Protests and lawsuits are not going to be enough to stop what’s happening. And the longer we sit idly by the harder it will be to stop.When midterms roll around,every election that’s not won by a republican will be considered fraudulent and challenged.
that there’s been the slow burn mention of a 3rd term. Trumps reign will not end in 2028 even if by some chance he’s not going to unlawfully retain power at the end of this term.
Not true ! We have protest in all 50 states. The MSM just does not cover it. But you are correct. This is the way Dictatorships are born. Misinformation and suppression of true facts.
He said “so few demonstrators.” The 50 states protests are the “so few” as in the number of participants. It’s not 10’s of millions of protesters at each of the 50501 protests. More like 10’s of hundreds. 🤷🏾♀️
Al Green was ONE person in protest. We strive for progress. I will take the towns of hundreds for now. It’s better than none. This country was successfully divided by trump/Putin. There is no denying this fact. Republicans have been planning this moment for decades.
I fear it will be too late before enough people wake up. Some people are struggling just to survive. Others are still comfortable enough to not be bothered.
During covid, many people were making apps to track where breakouts were, where vaccines were. Maybe that can help to get more out and show what's really happening.
But we need to get out there guys, ALL of us, in the MILLIONS!
"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."
George Washington.
MSM i dying, that is the facts!
The revolution will not be televised
US equivalent would be 34m people.
I think that’s a healthy target.
March TODAY 3/8/25 for Ukraine!
They wait till the computers and TV's go off.
They wait till we lose power.
Sometimes they just wait till the first bomb drops.
Then panic sets it.
Then fight.
Then loss
Gross incompetence
As Americans, we tend to expect instant fixes. These things take time.
When we finally rioted and set shit on fire, we got your attention.
But we tired. Y’all got it🥱
April 5th 2025
Are the same that burn crosses
Some of those that work forces
Are the same that burn crosses
Killing in the name of
Killing in the name of
Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
Now you do what they told ya
The question isn't "why aren't there more protests?"
It's "why aren't the protests much bigger?"