Yes, for decades the government gives to the wealthy and expects the lower wage population to make up for that deficit. Don’t we want greater living conditions?
Tax everyone at the same lower %. If make billions you pay the same % & remove all deductions. Simple and fair
No Thata a regrsssive tax . And the problem is they don't have income, but wealth they borrow against to life on
Assess their wealth, and tax 10% of it as if it were income
Google disproves my boycot t shirts ad or sends traffic from locations I explicitly excluded. It is trump complicit financial rip-off not a business. I am leaving gmail and google alltogether.
And Warren Buffet paid $6B in taxes. If 600 of the wealthiest people in America paid their fair share, we would have no debt, we could afford all of the current government funding including the best postal service, CIA and FBI in the world, and the rest of us would not have to pay any taxes.
That is the most pathetic part of this money grab by the rich.
Tax everyone at the same lower %. If make billions you pay the same % & remove all deductions. Simple and fair
Assess their wealth, and tax 10% of it as if it were income
Beginning with raising the cap on paying into Social Security!!
I think the billionaires should be taxed into oblivion. They're deadbeats.
Don’t you know it’s an extremely big deal when Elon loses billions in one day even though he remains the world richest man?
Can’t have that now can we