How's it doing across the pond at this moment? When he tried that shite previously, he almost aliented his friends and enemy countries. He's now coming back to finish the job, and by the way the finacial markets are looking he's fucking your country up the poo shooter.
I’m against white-supremacy, bigotry, racism if your just going by the term, word woke u got me. U really avoiding how I’m making fun of anti-woke morons?. It is a term used other ways you don’t agree?
No I don’t agree with how any of you NON-BLACK folks use it. Cause you’re using it wrong. It’s used as a directive. You tell someone to “stay woke, brother!” Or you could say “brother is woke now!” But that’s really it. Adding ism and kinds of white people shit is unnecessary.
And that PUTIN is a cancer that needs excised from the world.
PUTIN is a KGB war criminal he invades sovereign countries
killing by targeting civilians elderly, men, women, and children
destroying their infrastructure raping their women are children
in front of their families MONSTERS
And being Woke means you care about our fellow humans in need. It means empathy, sympathy, and willingness to step in to help, not kick them when they are down. I'll take Woke over your pathetic jealous hate any day of the week.
Being woke means NOT blowing through government like a tornado leaving a path of destruction 10 times worse and 10 times more costly to the American people and their families than a weather event!
Oralè Resisters
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
The Heritage foundation made up the word woke to describe all Democrats and their policies. Understand the Republicans hate our fucking whenever they say it’s like saying the N-word to all Democrat. Call them out when anyone says you’re woke.
No, the word has existed for decades, it started as an AAVE term for alertness of racial prejudice and was later co-opted to include awareness of other social injustices, especially post Ferguson protests. MAGA started using it disparagingly because they don't have empathy.
How do you suppose we do that? If one group sees social injustices and tries to mitigate them and the other likes things the way they are and sees empathy as a character flaw, where's the middle grund?
I genuinely struggle to see how "no judging" can work in this particular scenario. The people disparaging "woke ideology" are looking to roll back decades of work to address various societal inequalities. That is not "bullying", that is making life harder and more dangerous for the affected groups.
Everybody better get WOKE and PAY ATTENTION to what the Trump regime is going to destroy this country from the inside out. MAGA Republicans will feel most of the pain.
No. It means you are willing to cheerlead the destruction of an entire generation of people. Why? Because you can with no threat to your own safety and from afar. You have no family dying or in harm's way, and you're not there either.
You are the vilest kind of coward.
#SlavaUkraini🇺🇦 #HeroyamSlava🇺🇦 in Cyrillic #СлаваУкраїні🇺🇦 #Героямславаhas🇺🇦 in English #GlorytoUkraine🇺🇦 #GlorytotheHeroes🇺🇦 are salutes and rallying cries in the struggle against Russian aggression in Ukraine🇺🇦! #IStandWithUkraine🇺🇦 Please join freedom loving people who #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 #Zelensky🇺🇦🇺🇸🇨🇦🇪🇺🇺🇳🇫🇷
Does it include knowing that it happened because US was wanted Ukraine to join NATO and put missiles on Russian border? Remember why Cuban missile crisis happened?
Liberals have been woefully ignorant and refuse to admit this war started a long time ago. The neoliberals and neocons get to hide behind that ignorance
I'm not "woke" or a traitor to my country. Russias president is a Genocidal Psychopath. That's not "woke" that's a FACT. Woke is an undereducated hillbillies word for politically correct. But they can't spell big words...
I hate that word because of the way it's been weaponised to make people hate. I grew up in political correctness and "treat others as you want to be treated" era.. I didn't mean to sound like I don't care because I do greatly..
Let’s replace “woke” with “sane”. Then conservatives will have to say things like “Kids today are obsessed with being sane!” and “No one wants a sane military!”
But remember MAGA is the new KKKlan instead of white hoods they wear red caps. Instead of the N word they say woke or DEI. Their Grand Wizard is Trump. PROVE ME WRONG
Being Woke means you patriotically recognize & thank & support ALL who served our Nation Honorably, & know the tremendous debt The Greatest Generation gave to defeat Nazis & Fascists, 1940-45 & don't want that evil movement to repeat its terror.
Immigrant hating Trump supporters, wait til you see who is taking care of our loved ones — from the doctors to the dietitians; from the nurses to the physical therapists; from the housekeeping staff to the social workers — diversity is our strength. Inclusion is our power.
Hope ‘s okay! 🤞🏼 Was at the ED last night with our son, he’s trans (not all of who he is!). He is okay. Everyone was also woke AF! The language they used, their demeanor, their inclusivity… you know, all the words DS45 and FElon banned… they had it all going on, and also, gender neutral bathrooms! 😊
My msg above was supposed to read ‘hope he’s okay’, meaning your husband. The hospital is not a fun place to be for any reason. I hope you're holding up okay and have some good support. 🫂
The only reason Russia didn't keep going into West Germany in August 1968 was:
Third Armored Division, U.S. Army.
We deployed to Grafenvoher, at the Oder river.
I was there.
You Cannot Trust Russia.
Stop's non stop on this's so ridiculously boring...just thinking about how silly it is that you came up with this idea went through the process of creating it etc etc...just say it dude
And ‘Stop the Steal’ was just a strategy to keep Democrats from investigating the last election? If not a strategy, they just sort of just stumbled into it, then.
Yes MAGA, treating your friends like shit is totally going to work out, just like when you treat your friends like shit in real life makes things better.
Woke and AWAKE are not the same thing. Woke means you only believe the propaganda from the left. Awake means you can separate the subject, walk around it and understand the issue through THINKING.
No it doesn’t. Goddamn even colonized a word from Black people. It was never men’s t for white people and it was never about white people. You’re not even using it right. Goddamn fucking whiteys
Woke: A state of wakefulness, Alert, Paying attention
Not Woke: Asleep on the job. Not working, Not doing your job. Unaware. DONALD J TRUMP and the GOP.
That's being woke? That's just a fact. Being woke is keeping your empathy with your war paint on, knowing who the enemy is , lies , Trump, Musk, people easily manipulated by them and those in power who will sit and just do nothing to stop them.
Democrats completely Disagree with Chuck Schumer. Democrats want Progressive Democrats running our country. He is not standing up to Trump. His donors want Trump's tax cut for Billionaires
The wars and conflicts are profitable businesses for military industrial complexes, tycoons, warmongers, criminals gangsters brokers politicians bankers and high ranking officials .. so the victims are the brainwashed and hypnotized nations whom fighting for anonymous future and rich's gangsters 🐑🦬🐐
In 1994 Russia promised to respect Ukrainian sovereignty. In return, Ukraine allowed Russia to recover the thermonuclear weapons in Ukraine that were the property of the Soviet Union. 🇺🇦 forever free!
Uncle Vlad belongs in prison for crimes against peace and crimes against humanity!
Fuck DEI, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, shouted MAGA.
Fuck women's rights, shouted MAGA.
The MAGA Putinists voted for evil personified Trump like a bunch of shameless lying hypocrites.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable than treason from within.
Fascist ideology is also authoritarian, patriarchal, and misogynist.
Coincidence, I think not...
Woke > totally aware to what's happening.
Rewoke > becoming aware of what's happening just in time.
A fking idiot
100 years of use and white people killed it and are dragging around its corpse. Probably like Eminem cracker ass too
PUTIN is a KGB war criminal he invades sovereign countries
killing by targeting civilians elderly, men, women, and children
destroying their infrastructure raping their women are children
in front of their families MONSTERS
I’ve been calling for
Democrats Shadow Government:
Pete Buttigieg is leading the opposition and the DNC
Would do well with him as the lead spokesperson to combat
The evil Trump administration
#BlueShadow #USDemocracy #PeteButtigieg #DNC #GOPCutsHurtVets
Best rapper alive is a white dude. King of rock is a white dude. Can y’all let us have one goddamn thing!?
But yes Russia invaded Ukraine nonetheless
Trump, Vance & Trump administration ... are all idiots and bastard !!!
You are the vilest kind of coward.
Infowars reporter Jamie White was brutally murdered outside his home in Austin, Texas
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice
(12 Keypoints from -How to Talk to Anyone)
And much more products
I mean how many years has the truth been available to Americans but they willingly ignored it. 2 damn many
Being Woke means you patriotically recognize & thank & support ALL who served our Nation Honorably, & know the tremendous debt The Greatest Generation gave to defeat Nazis & Fascists, 1940-45 & don't want that evil movement to repeat its terror.
Third Armored Division, U.S. Army.
We deployed to Grafenvoher, at the Oder river.
I was there.
You Cannot Trust Russia.
Being knowledgeable about who’s being deceptive to you and your fellow countrymen!
Empowering epiphany & trust. Rights acknowledged!
Not Woke: Asleep on the job. Not working, Not doing your job. Unaware. DONALD J TRUMP and the GOP.
We need to re-brand "woke" as "awake"!
Uncle Vlad belongs in prison for crimes against peace and crimes against humanity!