Repubs passed the 'Backdoor Budget' (bend over). VOTE THEM OUT! Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at and State Legislatures at LOCK THEM UP!
Join the fight to elect Judge Susan Crawford on April 1, 2025. #PresidentMusk is funding her opponent!
That is precisely why I'm promoting the idea that our honorable military professionals perform a reverse coup. Quick and decisive.
It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such government. Those with the ability to take action have the responsibility TO take action. It would avoid a civil war.
What in the fuck congress needs to get him the hell out. Donors to president are not allowed to have government contracts. Why fucking why are these vile douchebags above the law?
"He has always just been a Used Car Salesman at Heart" ~~ Heather Cox Richardson
No truer words have ever been spoken. Doing Infomercials from the White House is so on point for this grotesquely greedy, dangerously stupid, Slimeball in an ill-fitted suit!
What's worse is will we never know how much Musk paid Trump to gain exclusive rights to America's vaults. Unless Musk & Putin are blackmailing DJT. Probably a combo platter of both from the planets 3 biggest threats Musk Putin and DJT
Join the fight to elect Judge Susan Crawford on April 1, 2025. #PresidentMusk is funding her opponent!
Question: How can a citizen give any politician $100,000,000? I thought there were limits and laws??
It is our right, it is our duty, to throw off such government. Those with the ability to take action have the responsibility TO take action. It would avoid a civil war.
No truer words have ever been spoken. Doing Infomercials from the White House is so on point for this grotesquely greedy, dangerously stupid, Slimeball in an ill-fitted suit!
"I know what Elon's dick-tat like."