Now he’s going to be begging for everyone to feel sorry for the nazi immigrant and buy those unsafe cars to “save him”. I wouldn’t give him a dollar if he was begging on the sidewalk. I hope his stocks crash to $144.00. It will force him to sell his shares and the company will crash. 💥 deserved
FYI FOLKS There was another car salesman that was friends with Hitler, Henry Ford. Henry actually had Hitler’s portrait in his office. Hitler also had Henry’s portrait in his office. Has anybody checked the Oval office for Hitler’s portrait. Trump keeps Hitler’s memoirs in his nightstand 😡😡😡😡😡
Rising unemployment, plummeting stocks, exploding measles, looming recessions, long social security waits, gutted national parks, devastated international credibility, rampant corruption, a plutocrats’ paradise. Other than that life in Trump’s America is going great.
Give 'em the old Razzle Dazzle
Razzle dazzle 'em
Show 'em the first rate sorceror you are
Long as you keep 'em way off balance
How can they spot you've got no talents
Razzle Dazzle 'em
He always does it in public-- and gets away with it. We heard his 'perfect phone calls', wherein he tried to blackmail Ukraine, and steal the election in GA, and his fans say 'yeah-- perfect!!!' it's his habit, and it's disgraceful.
It's literally like no rules apply to him. He's told us, repeatedly, that he rigged the election, we even know at what point the vote swap was done and yet we just let it go.
It's crazy... and I don't get it. His fans don't care, and those of us who despise him and see him for what he is, seem unable to do anything.... it's incredible.
So let me get this straight. He said “Wow! It’s beautiful, this is really nice, it’s all computerized” when he sat in a Tesla yesterday, at the White House Tesla dealership
I guess that means Elon gave him 250 million and he’d never been in one of his cars, until yesterday
Donald Trump, a man who demands loyalty but gives none.Today, he sells your cars; tomorrow, he twists the knife. Just ask Rudy,and the My Pillow Guy—left in the dust when usefulness expired. Elon, beware. The Melon Felon’s escape hatch is always ready… and you’re just cargo. We take you now to 2026!
☎️ Your House Rep & Senators use U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121.
🗣️Give operator your zip & they will connect you with your elected's office. Make clear you are a constituent.
✏️Write out a concise message BEFORE you call. You can use the same message for all your electeds.
I thought we had to cut down on costs? He better have paid for that tin pos with his own money because the Whitehouse has all the cars it needs already.
It's the insanity. Elon is gutting the livelihoods of millions of Americans and Veterans, and Donalds asking us to buy his crappy cars while our 401ks and savings are tanking. Good strategy.
Now remember BillyBob, you have to keep driving that Ford F-350 to support the oil industry. Just park the Tesla in the driveway and use it for a chicken coop... We do need the eggs.
Yes Mr President.... Anything you say.
That’s what total immunity does for ya … thanks SCOTUS !! Impeach SCOTUS , Trump, Vance Elon AND ROLL IT ALL BACK ! Impeach and remove all the GOP CLOWNS as well! Save ourselves!!
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
Right now the rich are propping up Tesla stocks for these yahoos - it will be the the best time to pull out and leave them holding the bag!
Divest now.
As a guy I have a beer and an occasional argument with here in the afterlife Karl Marx once said "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."
Pissing away tax dollars while laughing. Ruining families, firing good people doing real jobs while these 2 chuckleheads. Smiling and laughing while the dollars keep rolling in on these oligarchs!
That’s the problem. Because it’s done so blatantly and nothing gets done about it, people think it must not be that bad. Someone needs to define the word opposition for democrats.
They honestly assume they will never be held accountable. A man was shot a few days ago because he had a gun and was right outside the back of the Whitehouse! Look it up.
Man who can't drive, will never part with his own money to buy a car, has PR stunt to nation so his puppet master can try and save his sinking companies and reputation.
Hey MAGA assholes you proud of the classy dignified honorable pos you made our president? We’re the laughing stock of the world because you are ignorant, uninformed, gullible, unintelligent & uneducated idiots! If you had any integrity I would say you should be ashamed but I would be wasting my time
Razzle dazzle 'em
Show 'em the first rate sorceror you are
Long as you keep 'em way off balance
How can they spot you've got no talents
Razzle Dazzle 'em
How in the hell can Elon MUSk give Trump 100 million dollars????
How is that legal?
I guess that means Elon gave him 250 million and he’d never been in one of his cars, until yesterday
Paraphrase: " crime in plain sight is still crime."
Kids, open up your books to
President 47. Today we are going to learn about car sales.
🗣️Give operator your zip & they will connect you with your elected's office. Make clear you are a constituent.
✏️Write out a concise message BEFORE you call. You can use the same message for all your electeds.
Get your Tesla from Crazy Elon,
And his fat sidekick, First Felon.
A “golf cart that goes really fast."
It’s Illegal to boycott so go find cash!
Yes Mr President.... Anything you say.
Divest now.
What a pair you have there, America.
Welp. He nailed it.
They honestly assume they will never be held accountable. A man was shot a few days ago because he had a gun and was right outside the back of the Whitehouse! Look it up.
I’m beyond exhausted! I don’t want to know what four actual years of this fuckery is going to do to me and the world!