We ain't lost yet, we only lose if we the people quit give up or give in to tyrants they only win if we let them and THIS nonsense ALL STOPS WHEN ALL SAY NO!
In a cult of personality like Trump MAGA, you can surround yourself with everyone who believes as you do and think "everyone agrees with me." But really, it's just the relatively small number of people that agree with you. It's comforting, I suppose, but it ain't true.
I hope the people in the cult wake up to the disaster they've empowered and have enough energy to join the fight against evil to save their country and democracy.
It is NOT the entire country it is a minority. He has never gotten even 50% of popular vote, let alone majority. And of voting eligible population never even 33%—remember, 12 million more of us chose someone else since 2016. Plus, they’ve purged millions from voter rolls. And…
The SAVE Act will purge 10s of millions! When you’re an unpopular, fascist minority using racism, nativism, sexism & LGBTQ-hatred to distract/divide, so billionaires & price-gouging corporations don’t have to pay what they owe—you can never ACTUALLY win elections; so you attack voting rights!
The reason cultist MAGONES don't recognize it's a cult is because it happened to an ENTIRE country. Unlike the Nazis and fascism-which were terrible ideaologies but still ideaologies-MAGA doesn't stand for anything. Frank E. on here said the "cardinal sin is boredom." Unlocking this is key.
Ever met a member of a cult who admitted to being in a cult, while bemoaning how they'd lost friends, family members, and finally their community to a rival cult?
No, because a member of a cult can't see their own cult, so sees it as losing to a cult.
Democrats lost to a RIVAL cult
A cult is an organized group whose purpose is to dominate cult members through psychological manipulation and pressure strategies.
That's literally the textbook definition.
Same here. My entire family is MAGA, several of which are hoping that a theocracy gets established so they can finally watch me heel (they've said so to my face). I will die first, and I told them that.
I've lost all three. My friends are extreme Trumptards. My Brother flies the Trump flag before the U.S. flag, and I don't even want to discuss the State I live in. We're So Fucked, and not the good way...
We haven't lost the whole country. Not even half. To those who seem to be in power, their control is only an illusion that can soon be burned away like the morning mist with the power of our sunshine!
I’m sorry ODTH, I feel your pain. However our whole country is not in the cult, I don’t even think he won. Many of us felt it but now anomalies in the swing states have been exposed by the Election Truth Alliance.
💯 Absolutely and 🍊💩 even said “I don’t need your votes” and “If I win you’ll never have to vote again”. FElon said “if he doesn’t win I’m going to jail”. They said it out loud. I hope 🇨🇦 doesn’t suffer our fate.
Same here. The people who I once thought were loving in-laws from Ohio, turned against me (yelled & made threats) once I said Trump is nothing but a stupid racist conman who shouldn't be president. A person they will never meet nor cook or clean for them but is more important. Fuck them all
Join the fight to elect Judge Susan Crawford on April 1, 2025. #PresidentMusk is funding her opponent!
Maybe the country is just ready for idiocracy. The majority intentionally cut themselves off from any news beyond a friendly feed reinforcing their biases. They drink their beers and watch their reality shows.
If a whole country doesn't want to wake up, what do you do?
Yeah. I woke up sad today. I’m headed to #TakedownTesla now to channel🔥 The destruction of our nation was long planned and everything was put in place for decades for this collapse to be so abrupt. In terms of their planning and prep time, this is a shock and awe attack. Vicious and gut punch cruel.
It's the same in most countries. If you use the IQ bell curve you realise that 50% of the population are below average intelligence. I consider myself average. Many people are intelligent but are taken in by the spread of false cultural and linguistic memes.
Having your country be forcibly annexed as a vassal state by the cult running your neighbour, whilst the "good guys" next door not in the cult, say little and stand by....
with you brother, all 5 of my best friends and countless family members lost to MAGA. I have zero to do with them. Regarding my friends, we were all in each other wedding parties, crazy.
Don’t ever Think You are The one who is wrong, believing in democracy, inclusion and everything normal empathetic people stands for. You are on The good side. Love from Denmark
I know this feeling my Oldest Daughter the mother to my grandkids voted for him. When I asked her why? Her comment was "seemed better", I said have you watched the news? No I hate the news 😲😲😲😲😲 we don't talk now
I lost a friend to a cult. She found a new church and they have brainwashed her. She was always an active Democrat
I guess thought we would be forever friends but I just can’t
I feel for you
I lost close family too. I said to the I can’t believe you chose and continue to chose your Republican hate over your love for us. For me, it is less their voting, it is their right. It’s more their continued denial of what is happening directly to us, our future and our country
Sorry to hear that. I’m in the same boat. But I’m choosing to see as letting poison go, at least where friends family are concerned. The whole country thing sucks though.
Same. I honestly blame christianity for a huge chunk of this, indoctrinating kids & telling them that facts don’t matter over their feelings so they can shape young minds’ to THEIR reality. Then you add in family & societal bullying for daring to question them. Like the Dark Ages all over again..
My heart is still in pieces over the break with my dear older brother who taught me how to walk, taught me photography & to live with our genetic heart failure disease. He’s a devoted MAGA & forcefully tried to tell me I better believe in trump & maga. Haven’t had contact w/him in 3 weeks 😔💔
As a reading intervention teacher for the last 20+ years I did my best to change those statistics, but poverty takes away a child’s mental capacity to learn. They experience so many challenges, like domestic violence, unsafe housing, lack of healthcare, poor nutrition, hunger and often lose hope.
The USA has always been rife with extremist , divisive rhetoric . Conspiracy Theorists , religious fanatics , look at the number of break away Christian cults that have sprung up in USA alone . The Mormons had their own military for f#$%k sake . Open your eyes , give your heads a shake ...😂
And you think you know a person…I have no idea why we r the lucky ones who see thru his „charm“
Glad I can tho, if I believed in hell I think these ppl enjoying it so much would have reservations waiting on them there, with extra free suffering and pain
Me too,Pal. Got the zombie cult member sitting in the LR right now.What will it take to break this spell?Ppl I thought had food hearts wanting „those“ppl to suffer. It just boggles the mind.Zombies-My whole crazy ass family and my best friends from HS and College. So a blue dot surrounded by zombies
Break off communication with all magatz in your family and friend groups. Be nice, but just end the relationship since they are not going to change their belief system unless that system puts them out in the street as the oligarchs gather more unto themselves. At that point, it may be too late...
I can’t count the millions of time I’ve thought “I don’t understand it”. Now all I know is that it’s a cult, there’s nothing to understand because it’s willful desire to unleash the hate within them. Can’t unsee or unknow that but we must fight with every fiber to overcome.
Those of us who were raised in it understand it well, and while hate seems reductionist, it really is that simple: hate, ignorance, and obsession with control.
I’m determined to find out how they transmit these post-hypnotic suggestions. Every single one of them is reading from exactly the same script toward for word. This is totally the Manchurian candidate.
It's a propaganda technique we designed for the war on terrorism brought home and used against our own people I've read the US army PsyOps manual and they followed it step by step.
The VP even slipped and called it "DeBaathification" which tells me he's using bush era techniques.
Basically they've been running the "Shock and Awe" playbook from the inside of the US government. Problem is that didn't work out very well for us in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Acceptance is helping me mourn the loss of my mom and sister. The cult has changed them into people I no longer recognize. It makes it easier to be able to let go knowing these are no longer the same people I loved.
Demand justice from this Nation of Laws.
Focus on economy: Remove cap on SS taxes, raise capital gains taxes on rich and explain how we deliver all that revenue back to normal people!
We need to make the Rich the them and the 90% of us the us!
What's happening is absolutely tragic.
I hope the people in the cult wake up to the disaster they've empowered and have enough energy to join the fight against evil to save their country and democracy.
God speed.
No, because a member of a cult can't see their own cult, so sees it as losing to a cult.
Democrats lost to a RIVAL cult
That's literally the textbook definition.
Mission accomplished.
Please watch & share if this is new to you. 💙
Join the fight to elect Judge Susan Crawford on April 1, 2025. #PresidentMusk is funding her opponent!
If a whole country doesn't want to wake up, what do you do?
Signed Canada.
And Greenland.
I guess thought we would be forever friends but I just can’t
I lost close family too. I said to the I can’t believe you chose and continue to chose your Republican hate over your love for us. For me, it is less their voting, it is their right. It’s more their continued denial of what is happening directly to us, our future and our country
Glad I can tho, if I believed in hell I think these ppl enjoying it so much would have reservations waiting on them there, with extra free suffering and pain
Reality has no meaning anymore.
The VP even slipped and called it "DeBaathification" which tells me he's using bush era techniques.
I’m also the only one who has embraced continuous learning.
I’m also the only former Christian.
I feel like these are connected somehow..
I’m guessing what comes next is not good at all
Conspirator Schumer 🤬
Quebec City, CANADA:
Marco Rubio reiterated:
Trumps Annexation Comments!
On our Cherished Canadian Soil.
Spineless MAGA Prick
In 54 days, The United States has ROCKETED to the most DESPISED nation in the civilized world.
🇺🇸 Enjoy Your FASCISM !