This is capitalism
Profits must increase exponentially to do this prices must go up wages must be suppressed quality must be sacrifices longevity must be sacrificed
All of the planets resources and all of our waking hours must be exploited more every year
Trump's MAGANUTS got convenient amnesia about Trump's first term failures and scandals. They choose bigotry and hate instead of the their own best interest. We need to post on their websites all that we've LOST in less than 50 days under Trump's administration.
Time for you to leave - hurry ! The Gulags are being built ! Atilla the Hun is making a return . Hitler and Mussolini and Genghis Khan will be knocking on your door !
😢 I'm so sorry for the majority of the people of America, having to endure for the next four years what the MINORITY of Americans voted for. Only the people can fix this, just as historically, only the people of any country under tyranny stood up and rebelled against the tyrants.
I'm 70. In the past several years, I've done Doordash, Instacart, Grubhub, and worked for a female owned in home pet care business. In the last three months, that business which was thriving for 15 years, basically tanked. No one is spending money. All this is with Social Security. Barely getting by
I'm sorry, but why would anyone ever work for him! They must have compromised ethics in the first place. MONEY! So they are essentially just like him anyway
I stood outside in the cold yesterday at an Irish fest for ten hours, standing on asphalt and handed out samples of a premade cocktail. I'm 71. Social Security is not enough to cover the cost of living.
There are 80 and 90 year olds working at Walmart. Most of the people on retirement earned their SS and put away for retirement when wages in this country were low. Minimum wage in 70 was $1.00 and 80 was $3.10 and $5.15 in 97. How can you pay for everything and save for retirement? With prices now?
... Franklin Graham is just fine with his Chosen One, spending $13 million per 18 holes of golf cause that old woman is NOT a member of his congregation ...
Heart breaking.
THIS is what many of us are now faced with. What happens when these low paying jobs are no longer available? PLEASE give your delivery people tips in cash. They won’t be deducted as income.
When did it get to the point that simply trying to live in this nation and do the very things most were preached to growing up, 'the American Dream, ' become the bad guys in this reality? Most people just want to wake up, go to work, earn a living, keep a roof over their heads, and simply live....
I also hate what we have become. But if an 80yr old woman, using a cane, is doing DoorDash to survive…I practically guarantee you she will use that cane on ANYONE who tries to take what is hers, including rights!
No, it doesn’t. My first sentence was I hated that she needed to. I do not have the answer (I wish I did). But being much closer to her age myself, I felt imagining dignity for her was better than pity.
I know. I tried it for a couple of weeks. I made $6.45 one of the times doing two deliveries in my own car and it took 45 minutes plus I got a nail in my tire.
The time to go high is over. Michelle Obama was wrong. We have been dragged into the mud. As a gay man, I will fight or die. I am a target of every 80 year old Trump
Voter even the ones with canes.
…like yourself. Your age group didn’t come out to vote. I guess it wasn’t important enough or you don’t believe the system works. The system works when you use it properly. Keep boycotting the vote.
But ask the other side, who continually out performs us at the polls, if voting works.
Just like you have a right to an opinion, I also have a right. No one is right nor wrong in how they feel. Also thanks for assuming.. I actually voted..
I’m glad you voted.
But everyone has a valid opinion is intellectually & morally wrong.
NAZIS hated JEWS,GYPSIES & GAY MEN(LESBIANS DIDN’T EXIST) in their ideology and MURDERED them by the millions.
Does that opinion have a right to equal moral value?
I also think you are wrong. People asked for this. They voted for it.
If the lady in the meme voted for tRUMP then it is her fault & she deserves her hardship. I didn’t vote for it. I railed against it and I voted against it. I worked. I knocked on doors and raised money and chat with ignorant kids
I respectfully disagree.
I don’t think that ignoring treasonous and dangerous behavior by people who would deny my existence and tear up the constitution is pointing figures & passing blame.
That’s namby-pamby BS.
We must fight for our democracy like we want to win or we lose it. FOREVER.
you would have asked?????? that used to be a personal choice for people, you would help an old person based on how they voted? you have learned to be maga from your maga family how to "dole out" your christianity. you are as hopeless as they are.
you can't expect everyone to be able to discern, it's up to us to put it out there for them to understand and to win their vote. It's not easy these days to know what is real and not. esp with what happened with local news in the last election. I think that is changing.
The very people who have fought, stood up against injustices and endured the many needless challenges this country has faced, deserve our respect and gratitude. ❤️
Except when they vote against their own best interests. If you voted for the 🍊💩 then it’s on you! They don’t deserve our respect and gratitude for bringing about the pain and suffering they put themselves in. This is backwards logic
That is sad. And sadly, can and probably will happen to anyone in my profession (education) including me.
When I see it happen, or I see a very pregnant woman delivering DoorDash, I give them a very good tip and hope someone will if it happens to me in my “retirement.”
If anyone sees this happening live please
1- help her finish that delivery
2- video it - if they approve
3- find the backstory - if they want to share
4- post and repost the fuck out of it
We cannot use the maga tactics of posting outrageous stories without any kind real pictures or videos
I have fibromyalgia, so sometimes I get my groceries delivered because I can’t get out. One day, a lady using a walker showed up, and begged me to let her unload the groceries, she’s got this, she doesn’t want to impact satisfaction, etc. I unloaded them and rated 5 stars, of course…but I HATED it.
Grubhub driver here, in many places (including the state where I live), drivers make less than the state minimum wage. If you’re not insanely busy, you’re making peanuts.
I hear you. I have a lung disease. I moved in with my brother who had a stroke and lost his home. I used to run a chronic homeless group and now I'm homeless while I wait year four now on disability. It's bad out there.
I had a middle aged man with what looked to be a five year old child in tow. I tipped him the same amount as my order but that will hardly make a difference for them. 😞
From a guy who delivers groceries it does make a difference. Of course it does take more than one person doing it but quite a few people do. At least that has been my experience. It's not always a whole lot but I assume that people don't have a whole lot.
I know someone who is not as infirm, but is in the same situation. She can hardly bear to read my posts and links, she says, because she is so frightened of what is happening.
I don't agree with that. Musk answers to the Heritage Foundation and the rest of the group. Trump has no choice. They all do what they need to in spite of Trump.That's why they seem so disconnected at times. Trump is irrevant.
Trump is president if he wanted to do the right thing he could but he doesn’t want to. HE brought in Elon and he could get rid of him if he had the country’s interest in mind so I don’t agree with you
I'm 68 and have seriously thought about this. I was working but now I'm moving to a different area bcs of affordability. Only problem is, where do I get the flowers? ☹️
Most Americans have been economic slaves for their entire lives, living paycheck to paycheck. Only now the oligarchy is looking to take it to new levels of control.
I've never forgotten W Bush hearing an elderly woman telling how she works three jobs and W proudly calling it "uniquely American". Sadly, I guess W was right.
Or childhood cancer.... the very cancer research that Musk defunded and now expects those who are struggling financially to pay for. (While the millionaires and billionaires get tax cuts and get even richer.) There is something morally and ethically wrong with this picture
I saw a woman running the cash register at Dollar Tree yesterday who had to have been in her seventies and was a horrible asthmatic. She could barely move or breathe and had to stop and use her inhaler several times in the 5 minutes it took her to check me out. I hate what this country has become
I don’t do door delivery either direction. I hope she is just like my neighbor who delivers to those who can’t get out because she cares that much. I hate it for anyone of any age that does it because they must to earn their keep. 😩
I'm 58 and dashing to pay the bills. Luckily I'm in good shape. 4 years ago I was making 6 figures as a programmer. Age discrimination is real. I also regret contributing to the IT and AI hellscape unleashed upon us. The industry is full of deranged megalomaniacs.
Today at the local movie theater, I saw an old man pushing the trash can to help clear the aisles after the film. Old people denied retirement or rest.
I see a great deal of this in my work and it’s embarrassing as a child of the 60’s where we were told to take care of our elders and those less fortunate.
This is capitalism
Profits must increase exponentially to do this prices must go up wages must be suppressed quality must be sacrifices longevity must be sacrificed
All of the planets resources and all of our waking hours must be exploited more every year
If you work for Trump, he will ruin your life because
Trump ruins the lives of those who work for him.
See my blog post on how attorneys working for Trump end up disgraced and often disbarred.
I have no words, which is very surprising for me
Get a real job, am I right?
80 year olds enjoy being viable members of a community who and live productive lives.
Dont assume every older person working doesnt want to be there.
[The books that were required reading for us are now banned... .]
That’s what’s happening.
Republicans hate you and want you dead.
It’s still more asinine than cruel at this point.
THIS is what many of us are now faced with. What happens when these low paying jobs are no longer available? PLEASE give your delivery people tips in cash. They won’t be deducted as income.
This makes me sooooo angry!
She won't use her cane to hit the people who have already successfully taken away her Rights. She probably doesn't even know who they are.
Her gas, insurance & vehicle.
From the UK, America is fucked
No sympathy for Nazi voters.
Voter even the ones with canes.
But ask the other side, who continually out performs us at the polls, if voting works.
But everyone has a valid opinion is intellectually & morally wrong.
NAZIS hated JEWS,GYPSIES & GAY MEN(LESBIANS DIDN’T EXIST) in their ideology and MURDERED them by the millions.
Does that opinion have a right to equal moral value?
If the lady in the meme voted for tRUMP then it is her fault & she deserves her hardship. I didn’t vote for it. I railed against it and I voted against it. I worked. I knocked on doors and raised money and chat with ignorant kids
I don’t think that ignoring treasonous and dangerous behavior by people who would deny my existence and tear up the constitution is pointing figures & passing blame.
That’s namby-pamby BS.
We must fight for our democracy like we want to win or we lose it. FOREVER.
But truth is available to all.
Some people are misled willingly because it reinforces their existing privilege and prejudices.
My point is, I would’ve asked.
My whole family is MAGA and they justify their hate against everybody with christianity so I have some experience with the willingly misled.
When I see it happen, or I see a very pregnant woman delivering DoorDash, I give them a very good tip and hope someone will if it happens to me in my “retirement.”
1- help her finish that delivery
2- video it - if they approve
3- find the backstory - if they want to share
4- post and repost the fuck out of it
We cannot use the maga tactics of posting outrageous stories without any kind real pictures or videos
I’m 76
And it doesn’t pay much even to cover cost of gas for the vehicles used.
Desperate times.
working as a pet sitter to put food on the table
He’s not the mastermind. He’s the figurehead of a well-coordinated authoritarian takeover.
If you’re still analyzing “Trump’s next move,” you’re missing the point. It’s bigger than him.
🔥 Read the full breakdown here ⬇️
Remember the Reagan era? Elderly people eating cat food to stretch their grocery dollars? And the SOB still stole from Social Security!
Yet, we keep electing Republicans, who vote for such vile, inhumane policies.
The left: "That's horrible how we treat the elderly."
The right: "How inspiring!! ✨✨"
A society that does not value its older people denies its roots and endangers its future.
— Nelson Mandela
That poor woman. 💔 She deserves to be relaxing in a comfy chair somewhere, FaceTiming the grandkids —not schlepping food for strangers.