The privatisation of the UK postal service began in 2013 ... in 2013 a 1st class stamp (next day delivery) cost £0.60, now it costs £1.65 - a 275% rise. Hang on to your postal service with both hands, keep it away from profiteers.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Our Democratic Party sits idly by and says “surely this won’t go any further ”. The Republican Party plays to win and will do anything to beat the Dems; there is no low too low. I don’t see any good path upward.
We are past that. We must not only protest against the Trump Regime but the Democratic Oligarchists that support Trump...Schumer, Kaine, Hickenlooper, Hassan, Durbin, etc. Look them up it's not hard. Stay informed America
Their destroying America to steal the People's Money, to make them Richest in the world!!
They hate America Two Mentally untstable💩Trump and Musk, their doing it cause they want power!!
Can you imagine a privately owned fire department? Their response time would be based on what subscription tier you pay for. No trucks would be sent if you have a past due balance. Customers would now be expected to provide their own water.
Just remember if the post Office wasn't funding 75 years of future obligations for pensions it would generate money. Meaning the lack of profit is ensuring postal workers have money during retirement - also a good thing.
What's with the Dems bullshit in the last sentence? We, at least I, NEVER wanted the post office privatized and for profit. It's the Repugnants who want everything for profit.
End-Stage Capitalism
They hate America Two Mentally untstable💩Trump and Musk, their doing it cause they want power!!
The orange turd is threatening to annex Canada🇨🇦 so we will end the fighter jet F35 deal with the USA.
I hope Finland 🇫🇮will do the same with their F35 purchase and get the Swedish 🇸🇪 fighters Gripen instead.
Just an idea.