Making it scary as hell for any rational person! Many people are researching when their relatives naturalized or got citizenship, the Ones coming thru Canada in the 1890-1910 Era didn't get papers. All anyone can do is learn their rights, keep a phone handy, stay home more & keep the doors locked!
There could be no immigrants to the USA before USA even existed. But basic logic is not leftists strong suit just as it's not far right's strong suit. One side pretends immigrant is automatically a criminal and job stealer. Other one pretends they are too dumb to know what (illegal) immigrant means.
It baffles me when I walk by a house down the street that had a trump sign during the election and now is flying an Irish flag for st. Patrick’s day. Like celebrating their immigrant heritage. These people are god damn dumb.
that means 100% of americans are unwanted or illegal or dei or all of those.
perhaps there's something wrong with the US that needs to be changed?
I agree with not paying taxes. After what we've been going through, we don't know whose hand our tax money is going to hit. I don't want my tax money going into Nazi palms...
Y-M-C-A, wa wa wa wa wa wa, Y-M-C-A... Wait a minute! I think I know what he means:
I’m a mix. My Dad was Native American and my Mom French. I hope that I don’t get shipped out. Although I wouldn’t mind going to France right about now.
Evidently, Maga-Nazi or nazi sympathizers make up 15% of our citizens. I'm guessing it is closer to 20%-50% of our population that are racist/nazis, to allow racism to continue to flourish for all of these years.
I've never understood the appeal of racism.
It's not appeal. What it is is:
Difference brings fear. Boils down to when we were sitting around that campfire in the dark afraid of sabertooths and found that loud dancing around with our spears kept the boogy man away. We want to buck against that in modern times, but these times are different.
the rest are just the recipients of the benefits of genocide.
perhaps there's something wrong with the US that needs to be changed?
My folks were stolen, held captive and we still have a knee on our neck!
But ppl still think Columbus “discovered” America so there will always be that falsehood to contend with.
Y-M-C-A, wa wa wa wa wa wa, Y-M-C-A... Wait a minute! I think I know what he means:
1st were native peoples, then as you say, the rest.
I've never understood the appeal of racism.
Difference brings fear. Boils down to when we were sitting around that campfire in the dark afraid of sabertooths and found that loud dancing around with our spears kept the boogy man away. We want to buck against that in modern times, but these times are different.