To any and all Rep. Members of Congress is what the #lunaticInChief is doing to the US legal system in your and your constituents BEST INTEST. "Liberty and justice" represent cornerstones of America and never to be crossed red-lines. Don't be on the wrong side of history #stopTheMadness #saveTheUS
Someone put a bullet in him or something, ill guarantee that will stop him dead in his tracks if the judges and people dont do something. Also full bet on he wont listen to the american people if they all told him to step down. He would give you all the middle finger and laugh as he just walks away.
Voters were presented with a choice between the party of Donald Trump, and the party of letting Donald Trump off the hook and actively helping to pass his agenda. There was no option between the top candidates that didn't put fascists into the President's cabinet.
Did Biden and Democratic leadership know who Trump was when they let him off the hook and welcomed him back to the White House with a handshake and a smile?
As a parent of a child with special needs, I want to extend an extra thanks for your support of the person who told us he was going to cut the Dept of Ed.
Yes. Damn them and their peaceful transfer of power concept. But remember, the Donut is who US voters (supposedly) chose for their President. It’s out of their hands by that point. The real answer is don’t elect him in the first f£cking place.
Your children will thank you for peacefully transferring power to the fascists that already attempted to violently overthrow our nation, all without consequence from the Democrats we elected to deal with them.
The non-voters are also at fault. And the system is at fault in only giving us a binary choice and making it possible for billionaires to buy elections.
Oh for sure, I have been following the questions over the bizarre voting anomalies from the start. All looks extremely fishy, and I will never understand why no Dems ordered any hand recounts or even audits in time, even after election statisticians implored them to. Talk about rolling over 🤷♂️.
Here’s the funny part about Donnie and Elon! Going back while warming up the American people slowly things were coming out about a rigged election. Now if we could get an election just like Canada and the Uk could do. I wonder how many people would vote the Elon and Donnie show out of office?
That’s how Presidents are elected - people vote for them. Unless the swing state results were rigged somehow, but someone would have investigated if they thought that was a possibility? 🤷♂️
Has no-one heard of voting for the least worst option? Because in 2024 there was a desirability gap the size of the f£cking Grand Canyon between the Republican and Democrat candidates. Did the “Oh but Gaza…” crowd honestly think Trump would be better than Kamala in ANY WAY?
I appreciate that US voters, with their mostly two-party system, might not yet have grasped the concept of “splitting the vote” the way we have in the UK. (PS in case anyone’s wondering, splitting the vote generally leads to bad outcomes, like getting the WORST possible candidate elected.)
And he was right! Has anybody stopped him until now? Even the courts does he overrule. An NO ONE does anything to stop him (it is needed to be the Republicans, as only they do have the needed power)
For this sole reason, it was made, the people are allowed having guns - Civil war! 😭
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
If you’re a sane person who wants a good government and people who are responsible and accountable for their actions and decisions. Then, if you’re like me then you’re offended by the three ring circus that is going on in Washington right now. You have to be blind not to see it!
Can post a story about the massive success of The Resistance and the whole administration’s exile to Siberia? You know…for the people of 2032?
😡 We must recognize that he can’t do this alone. He has many others that are just as responsible for all this chaos. Let’s not forget them. They need to feel our rage every day! 😤
I know trump was president before but he really doesn't understand his responsibilities and the whole thing of supporting the constitution goes out the window. I'm glad the judges are being responsible at least.
He is right. If no one bothers to stop him he will do what he wants. The sniveling cowards in Washington DC certainly are not even trying. With a few exceptions.
Some of us knew. In 2016, some of us paid attention & didn't vote for him. We tried to convince others he should never hold be elected, yet too many turned a blind eye & a deaf ear. They chose not to see his through his lies and arrogant sense of superiority even then.
How come Bluesky sank so low that you cannot browse without confronting pictures of real cocks and assholes, and Trump's lies, yet get banned for life for telling the truth about Trump???????????????????????????????
Trump, without Congress, is dismantling the Department of Education. He orders Chief Justice Roberts to "stop the injunction now!" This is a dictatorship—no more three branches, just Trump. Martial law is next. Arrests without due process. Democracy is over.
Dear, you're supposed to write satire. You know, hyperbole, untrue things, exacerbation. Not to predict the future. Sincerely, A Disappointed Reader.
The annoying thing was that us on the far left were constantly being told to stfu and I was being a drama with that Nazi talk about Republicans by the Democratic elite. God, it sucks so hard to have been right.
Probably because it was well-known at the time that he was doing things that subverted the law? Wasn't that long ago and has been his main strategy from the beginning
For the first time in USA history, a president of the US will be escorted out of the WH in handcuffs along with his enabling cabinet, and, then, tried at The Hague for Crimes Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court. Rise Up, people!
I've been preparing since 2020. Water, non perishable food backup generators rifles lots of ammunition, sidearms anything you might need to fight a revolution!
So when do we start?
America is on the cusp of irreversible terror — sleepwalking into danger
14 hours ago — Trump is clearly triggered. Calling demonstrators 'domestic terrorists' and 'sick terrorist thugs,' he is threatening “20 year jail sentences ...
Regardless of what was said "magas will follow cult leader because he expresses what hate the have inside. I've said his a Russian asset since the early 70s I was off by 10 yrs, but in reality he was involved with them since.
And my mother who couldnt stand when people didnt listen to her instruction let him out. Despite me specifically, repeatedly, telling everyone in the house "Dont let my fucking cat outside"
It won't be long until the secret service flat out quits because of all the incoming fire....
It's next to impossible to protect someone when a person is willing to trade their life for their target.
'Nobody will stop me', my ass, lol!
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire! #RabbiRothschild
Only thing Trump/ Rethuglicans understand is an organized stance against fascism. Their Achilles heel is their wallets. Shut it down! We need influencers, politicians, and media. If one day isn't enough there's six more in a work week! Stay safe, stay warm, stay home! Walk out Wednesdays!
Exactly, I don't know what We the People are waiting for. We have the power and Right. Is it too much to ask them to be Americans? Is it too much to ask them to uphold our obligations to this Republic? I encourage you to encourage others and help spread the word that a revolution is on the rise.
We're pushing it everyday hoping We the People wake up, get brave, & take back their country. Which would mean saving the Constitution, themselves, & freedom itself. We can't depend on politicians to fix what is the People's responsibility & obligation. This country needs an exercise in freedom.
Well if Congress doesn’t demand the removal of this regime he will actually do just that!
Here’s the thing he claims he loves this country. But that is just another lie. Because everything he does, and everyone he has installed, hates this country and those of us who are not rich like them!
The "Justice Department" is that collective of asshats under Attorney General Barbie.. I mean, Bondi.
That's not the voters' fault.
The democratic party screwed over Bernie in 2016. Now 9 goddam years later we are paying the price ten-folds.
I'm glad to see AOC and JC (and a few others) aren't cut from the same do-nothing-democrat cloth.
As a parent of a child with special needs, I want to extend an extra thanks for your support of the person who told us he was going to cut the Dept of Ed.
many things!!!!!!
is what he does
For this sole reason, it was made, the people are allowed having guns - Civil war! 😭
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
Spoiled little rich boy felt he is so privileged that he is allowed to do anything he wanted.
If this idiot had attended any Civics or governmental related classes in HS or college, he'd know this.
How does idiot face even know about said loophole? 🙄
That’s what makes it so dangerous.
Trump takes a shit on the law and constitution.
Of course, now I can't shut up either with the government being dismantled. 🤦
I love the Oniaon. Awesome conte g at a time when we all desperately need it.
Please sign and share
If we only had a word, circa 1776 for people like YOU!
Remember, every SINGLE day that #schumer “leads” is a day that tRump AND Musk WIN against American 🇺🇸
So when do we start?
14 hours ago — Trump is clearly triggered. Calling demonstrators 'domestic terrorists' and 'sick terrorist thugs,' he is threatening “20 year jail sentences ...
You said "spooky" and your pfp is a cat and now i want black, purple and orange cupcakes with cute lil bat and pumpkin sprinkles
And my mother who couldnt stand when people didnt listen to her instruction let him out. Despite me specifically, repeatedly, telling everyone in the house "Dont let my fucking cat outside"
Im assuming coyotes or a raptor got him.
Cant wait to have anutha
It's next to impossible to protect someone when a person is willing to trade their life for their target.
'Nobody will stop me', my ass, lol!
If we take no actions to literally stop him, he's right.
Cuz Patriotism isn’t Nationalism.
Here’s the thing he claims he loves this country. But that is just another lie. Because everything he does, and everyone he has installed, hates this country and those of us who are not rich like them!