God willing all those associated with this corrupt, unconstitutional attempted takeover of our democracy will be prosecuted to the fullest when this is finally resolved. Anything TFG touches fails which gives me some hope.
FACTS "NEWS: New Tesla Model Y inventory is now completely sold out in Tex, Mich, Ohio, Illi, Georgia, Utah, Virginia, Ala, South Carolina, NC, Ten, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Mi, Kty, Ok, Indianapolis, Iowa, Nebraska, Hawaii, Wyoming, SD, ND, Montana, Idaho, Wis, Maryland and Del." $TSLA $258
Maga will never get on board they are so far gone down the rabbit hole and deserve no sympathy. They knew exactly what they were voting for which is why they voted for him three times.
I do what I can, but it will never be enough. So much hate and greed, power and money is hard to fight. I’m not giving up , but it’s still disheartening
to say the least. And scary.
Jessica Aber, Key U.S. Attorney, Dies at 43
Jessica Aber, ex-U.S. Attorney who hunted intel leaks, war crimes, and Russian tech ties, found dead at 43—months after stepping down post-Trump inauguration.
Yeah, nothing to see here.
This should be the HEADLINES of ALL major newspapers
Of EVERY mass media organization!
Ask yourself...
WHY is it NOT⁉️. 🤬
Please take the time to add ALT text on images you post so ALL of your followers will have full context. Describe it as you would when speaking with a blind person.
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
Absolutely !!! And we need to keep holding the line!!
Be like geese…. Fly in formation and when one of us needs a break, take a breather then get right back up there… we will get through this mess!!
Yes! I just made a similar post. People need to know they are seen and know many others are also engaged in pushing back on all of the multiple obscenities being done by the Trump administration.
Nonviolent protests engaging a threshold of 3.5% of the population have never failed to bring about change!!!
Protest the Trump/Musk/Project 2025 take-down of our democracy--PLEASE ATTEND A "HANDS OFF!" PROTEST ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2025. Click here for info: https://www.mobilize.us/handsoff/eve...
April 5 nationwide protest. Join us to show the media and the Administration that they do not have a mandate from the voters to destroy the fabric of our democracy. Find a march near you at https://handsoff2025.com/
EXCEPT here in Ohio, where Ryan Day is taking his team to the White House, OSU and OU have bent the knee to Trump, DeWine’s head is up Trump’s ass, and we now have a super majority of far Christian right freaks in our all parts of Ohio, including our schools.🤮
The American people's pushback to this regime is getting so big and obvious that even mainstream media outlets are having a hard time downplaying it. Trump's Cabinet of deplorables certainly can't spin all of it as "paid agitators" or the "radical left". We've had enough of them breaking everything.
Even red side should join in this all. And understand it is a point in time they re-acted apon. It does not say anything about how they think of it now! Join these movements, UNITE to fight the 1%!
They live and FEED from both sides.
after that we can fight each other again, but will it be needed?
We must take to the streets all across the US! We must save ourselves. Looking for a protest in your area? Visit The Big List of Protests. You can also add an event if you don’t see it listed. Participate! These mofos work for US. Let’s remind them! Way better than doom scrolling. https://theblop.org
We have very little time left,
Support Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE https://www.actblue.com/directory? & State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org & https://DOSOMETHING.org
I have called every one of my NY Senators Kirsten Gillibrand offices every day leaving detailed angry messages! I have also told her to stop hiding & requested she hold a town hall meeting on LI ASAP! I suggest everyone reading this to reach out to your Senators & House Representatives! Make Noise!
He’s ignoring the courts. Protests without bloodshed will not remove a dictator. Boycotts are not hurting trump nor will they remove a dictator. Let’s not sugar coat this.
AND take care of yourself as best you can because we are in it for the LONG haul.
And it's going to get really nasty before we're done.
THIS will not end until #CitizensUnited is overturned.
Felon 47’s weaponization of the justice department against attorneys is a crisis worthy of SCOTUS intervention. He is trying to deny Americans from legal representation & intimidate attorneys so they won’t accept cases. All bar associations should come out strongly against this & petition Scotus.
But hey, Trump/Elon/Vance/Putin still have @schumer.senate.gov in their corner. So they're not worried as long as Chuck remains in office & keeps Democrats frustrated & the Democratic Party impotent.
Curious minds want to know what is our plan once we remove & jail these idiots… we are not going back to dem vs rep… that DOES NOT WORK! So what is our plan for our country…
The problem is that until something is done they won't stop. Being unpopular doesn't matter if there's no real way to remove a President who's a danger to America. They don't care how popular they are anymore, they're in and they're not going anywhere until they're removed by force.
To all anti-Fascists, racism and blind hatred has always and will always be apart of the fabric in certain spheres, but corruption is what makes it dangerous. For all looking to Bernie for leadership please understand. He's not a threat to corruption. I am. https://youtu.be/6DiFMv6uTxY?si=L88fK_Sc7FIAsSPv
I hear people say"But what can I do?" I tell them , just remember the civil rights marches of the 60's, they changed opinions, policy and perspective...we have to be heard before we are permanently silenced.
We love to over promise and under deliver
Roe was gonna result in a big blue wave
(even Kansas was gonna go blue)
Late deciders were breaking for Kamala
Can we wait a bit before we start pimping out our HR trot?
Personally I think it's a matter of time before someone, who's life has been ended by this group of hackers, will take revenge. It's USA. USA solve problems with guns. Only a matter of time
I'm kind of expecting it. Deprive people of their health insurance or income, and someone's bound to do something extreme. We'd have one or more Luigi Mangiones again.
I gotta say I love your name,lol wish I would have thought of it! I figure I’ll just use my name & if I get arrested for saying something that offends the orand shit then come & get me-I got good lawyers on my side also& I can follow your playbook delay,delay, ect
Sometimes we just need to hear that although our efforts, even if small, are adding up. It helps when fatigue, depression and angst sets in. Thank you.
And people hit even harder were it hurt and refuse to buy any luxury items at all indefinitely,even if musk pumped the stock market back up if we keep up our efforts we'll drain it back down as many times as it takes until all the rich loose or all or bow to our demands.WHOS WITH ME,Let's goo!!!!!
Hate to be skeptical, but I will! This is all I have to say to those who are suffering because they didn’t vote, those who voted 3rd party, & those who voted for the felon/rapist:
the vote had nothing to do with it. Trump was 'elected' by the corrupt Electoral College, twice. Elon 'anything can be hacked Musk' supplied the needed 19 electoral votes from PA that allowed AP to call the election, and that was it. The voters were betrayed, all of them.
The voters DID the betrayals of every Democrat seeking a seat in Congress in 2024! Those who didn’t vote for a Democrat up & down the ballot, after seeing all the fecklessness from the reTHUGlican party, betrayed themselves & their own interests! Everything else you’re talking about isn’t practical!
Sadly it still doesn't right the wrong to this country, it's people and it's government. tRump admitted that they committed election fraud. He and his crime party needs to be removed and charged and the right person sworn in to clean up his mess and bring the immigrants back
You mean DOGE actually HAD credibility to start with? I mean it is led by the utterly useless moronic dribble chinned hardly functional bell end known as Musk after all! You cant get less credible than that fuckwit.
The only credibility they had was putin a war criminal, nutsnyahoo another war criminal, and the repugs who are the scum of the earth. Its as if they all have the trump dna
... even if all the money in the treasury will be gone, and it likely will (because apparently congress doesn't give a shit), when our victory is secured.
My mother works at the service desk at Walmart. Her shift starts at 6:30am. She tells me that the first few hours of her day has suddenly become very slow and they are talking about reducing hours. People are NOT shopping! I know that I’m not!!
They will NOT stop.
They aren't
I have heard his Congressional GOP say that he MUST be constantly challenging the court
It all has to go to SCOTUS
Now they are declining cases
It's not his private court
My concern is who will hold MangoMan & his toadies to account when they thumb their nose at sanctions? Can democracy survive until midterms? We’re only 60 days in.
I am more convinced everyday that the point of this admin is to endanger and terrify 90% of Americans to the point they finally get out in the streets. At which point the military will be called in and martial law invoked. Game over.
Stay OUT and far far away from Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama Canal, Gaza, the entire world
AND get the f out of America
trump and his goonies what a BUNCH of Nazi-THUGS
We have the most telling test on the Supreme Court coming up with transgender military service members right to serve being appealed to the Supreme Court.
You must take up Trumps battle cry of”fight,fight,fight and use it against him as all your lives,health and your safety seem to be at risk from your sadistic and cruel government.
The first sign of serious LEGAL trouble for musk
& he will be taking the run and don knows he is a lame duck president with no billionaires crazy af like musk
I'm already on BDS, I elected an economist as Prime Minister, I'm outing grocery stores for mislabelling american products as Canadian, and I'm keeping our trump loving conservative candidate's feet, over the fire.
Yes it’s wonderful to see and hear, I am not physically able to do that, so, I have written letters , made phone calls and been as supportive as I can for my beautiful daughter and everyone else. 💙
I think you are stuck in your own little bubble ,the way you are going about this is not going to work .
For advice on challenging government look to Europe especially Greece, Turkey and France , sorry but your petitions and strongly worded letters ain't going to work .
More sour than a bitter lemon.
Able to bankrupt a casino in Atlantic City.
Look! Down in the gutter!
It's a turd!
It's a rat!
No, it's Vindictive Boy!!!
POV...Maga is not the enemy. They are a victim of the lies the Republican Party and Media spread.
to say the least. And scary.
Join local organizations. Get neighbors to come along!
Jessica Aber, ex-U.S. Attorney who hunted intel leaks, war crimes, and Russian tech ties, found dead at 43—months after stepping down post-Trump inauguration.
This should be the HEADLINES of ALL major newspapers
Of EVERY mass media organization!
Ask yourself...
WHY is it NOT⁉️. 🤬
The helpers have arrived!
To help you remember, in Settings, Accessibility, you can turn on "Require alt text before posting."
Thank you!
Leave to stream untouched...rather don't touch anything that will give revenues to him. Make it all dry up.
Be like geese…. Fly in formation and when one of us needs a break, take a breather then get right back up there… we will get through this mess!!
Protest the Trump/Musk/Project 2025 take-down of our democracy--PLEASE ATTEND A "HANDS OFF!" PROTEST ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2025. Click here for info: https://www.mobilize.us/handsoff/eve...
They live and FEED from both sides.
after that we can fight each other again, but will it be needed?
Directed Electronics,Greene Properties,Attorneys Title Agency LLC, Dietz Trott Sports & Entertainment,Trott Recovery Services,Jamat Reinsurance Co, Buchanan Reinsurance Co.,Greater Atlantic Insurance Co.,Williams's Chrysler Dodge
We have very little time left,
Support Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE https://www.actblue.com/directory? & State Legislatures at https://dlcc.org & https://DOSOMETHING.org
I’m hoping to work with kids at the local library soon and make them feel happy and safe.
And it's going to get really nasty before we're done.
THIS will not end until #CitizensUnited is overturned.
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback!
Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
#StopDOGE #DumpSchumer
and in the end they got what they are, too.
DOGE is an ILLEGAL department in GOVERNMENT so what more is there to talk about?
To all anti-Fascists, racism and blind hatred has always and will always be apart of the fabric in certain spheres, but corruption is what makes it dangerous. For all looking to Bernie for leadership please understand. He's not a threat to corruption. I am.
One way is to expose their underlying plans….
See my pinned post as well for more info.
I’m also counting on the FAA to do their part and leave the Emerald Heir’s jet in a holding pattern off of the coast of Florida…
Roe was gonna result in a big blue wave
(even Kansas was gonna go blue)
Late deciders were breaking for Kamala
Can we wait a bit before we start pimping out our HR trot?
These are strange times
had many of her mother's recipes?
With only the odd dictator causing instability.
Dictators should be a thing of the past...
They aren't
I have heard his Congressional GOP say that he MUST be constantly challenging the court
It all has to go to SCOTUS
Now they are declining cases
It's not his private court
Stay OUT and far far away from Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama Canal, Gaza, the entire world
AND get the f out of America
trump and his goonies what a BUNCH of Nazi-THUGS
Omigod 🤣
Thank you.💙
& he will be taking the run and don knows he is a lame duck president with no billionaires crazy af like musk
Asses and elbows in a shitty tesla
Maybe, when it is too late, you will see people protest like they do in several countries in Europe right now.
What more can I do eh?
For advice on challenging government look to Europe especially Greece, Turkey and France , sorry but your petitions and strongly worded letters ain't going to work .
#FightBack #SomethingInsideSoStrong