Trump isn't sane. Psychiatrists say he suffers from "malignant narcissistic personality disorder, hyper-manic temperament, & dementia". He lives in his own reality, according to multiple psychiatrists & psychologists. It’s been clear to them for years. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/donald-trump-has-three-mental-disorders-as-he-becomes-tottering-dementing-old-man/ar-BB1mvfVy
Trump isn't sane. Psychiatrists say he suffers from "malignant narcissistic personality disorder, hyper-manic temperament, & dementia". He lives in his own reality, according to multiple psychiatrists & psychologists. It’s been clear to them for years. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/donald-trump-has-three-mental-disorders-as-he-becomes-tottering-dementing-old-man/ar-BB1mvfVy
Interesting article on family heritage, as well as the impact of social media on radicalism. Where Grandpa was little known, grandson has the largest most expensive megaphone in the world!
Thanks for sharing.
The GOP response also supports Dominionism. Dominion theology, is a Christian Political sect, planning to rule the nation based on biblical law. Speak Johnson lives with Pastor Steve Berger. A major GOP donor and part of this group.