If you order this now, it will arrive before Christmas! Please help spread the good word if you know someone who likes cocktails and reading. Or even just someone who likes the CONCEPT of reading (it is pretty).
Reposted from
Daniel Rosen
Y'all this will seriously be the best gift you give all year. It's beautiful, not spendy, and the only one of it's kind.
Elegant short story collection and accompanying cocktails with hand-inked illustrations-
Lasenne's Bar Book: Cocktails & Short Stories a.co/d/cJrgwyI
💙📚 🪐📚 #booksky
Elegant short story collection and accompanying cocktails with hand-inked illustrations-
Lasenne's Bar Book: Cocktails & Short Stories a.co/d/cJrgwyI
💙📚 🪐📚 #booksky