With these pardons and commutations Donald Trump embraced violence and lawlessness.
This injustice is a gross betrayal of the service and sacrifice of the courageous officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th, but it does not diminish their patriotism.
My statement:
This injustice is a gross betrayal of the service and sacrifice of the courageous officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th, but it does not diminish their patriotism.
My statement:
…. wait a minute ….
On 21 March 1933 Adolf Hitler was officially sworn in as chancellor of Germany. The same day he pardoned 8,000 Nazis, who had committed violent acts, starting with the failed Hitler coup on 8 November 1923.
No one who remains silent in this moment can ever credibly claim to "back the blue."
His attempts to erase or rewrite history have failed utterly in the face of his choice to pardon hundreds of violent criminals for brutal assaults that left hundreds of police officers wounded.
Republicans & 🤡 are a disgrace to our law enforcement and military around the country.
Nothing that waste of carbon does at this point surprises me. But I am sure he’ll do worse yet, with SCOTUS having granted him immunity.
Bring articles of impeachment now
Make republicans own this