He should just use the Trump defense. Trump was found guilty by the special counsel to be responsible for domestic terrorism resulting in multiple deaths of Capital police. He also was caught trying to leak classified documents to the press. And he became president. Case dismissed with prejudice.
It angered me when a charge finally came and it was 'election interference'. BS. It was treason! The leaders, including Trump, committed treason, & the Biden Admin & ALL leaders in Congress & SCOTUS swept the treason under the rug, & acted like the traitors were fit to keep leading, so here we are.
Anyone who incites a mob to attack Congress for the purpose of stopping the transfer of America's power is an enemy of the Unities States, it was attempt to overthrow America's gov and that is treason.
Treason is the crime of betraying a country or sovereign by attempting to overthrow the government. Attempting to stop the transfer of power was an attempt to overthrow a gov; IT WAS TREASON!
False. The dictionary definition of a word and its legal definition under any system of laws may be different, as you should understand; but treason is very narrowly defined, and has been more narrowly interpreted by the courts, in the USA. Read the statute, 18 USC 2831.
A president's number 1 job is to protect the Constitution. So, I'll put Biden's name where it belongs: a man who supported a traitor to be president. You're just like Trump devotees; ignorant.
And the J6 rioters were definitely DOMESTIC TERRORIST for trying to overthrow our government. This includes the planners, participants and all Congress members that helped.
They will argue that school shooters don’t have political objectives or demands and are not attempting to trigger political change. It’s bullshit so hopefully his lawyer will get that taken off the charges first
Where’s the terrorism charges for the J6 people?That was true domestic terrorism.Luigi took out a serial killer. I do not advocate violence but when the country has been immersed in it by a malignant narcissist for over 8 years and the abuse will continue, what can we expect? A class war is coming.
Funny how the man who just got an election bought for him also Said out loud that “He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.” So the mentally ill heard this as okay.
The GOP has made gun access so easy more innocents died in yet another school shooting. Who are the terrorists?
Not terrorism he just murdered someone like it’s done in America every day. He didn’t use a bomb and threaten a group of people or drive a plane into a building.
Terrorism is an action or threat designed to influence the government or intimidate the public. Its purpose is to advance a political, religious or ideological cause. I can see why mass shooters mostly don’t qualify for this definition, but not sure how killing a CEO does.
The sentencing for tRump's 34 felonies must include a complete revoking of the US presidency, or a nullification of the election. Trump is a fascist mad man with dementia, and did not win the election on merit. He cheated. Again.
He deliberately killed 600,000 Americans with COVID. Enough.
I do not condone the murder but is he a terrorist?
He killed a man and needs to go to prison. The real terrorists, in my opinion, are the NRA, school shooters and every representative in Washington who did not push hard for #GUNREFORM #GUNCONTROL #BANASSAULTWEAPONS
Get information out. Boycott CNN January 19 and 20. No cable, no Sirius, no streaming.
Power of the people to reject gaslighting and sane washing. Advertisers will see the drop in viewership.
Well the super rich are a very important minority. They are often abused for no real reason. They do the lords work of making sure we only live in poverty as prescribed by the Bible. (This post is pure sarcasm)
Maybe it’s because he 3D printed his gun instead buying it like every other mass shooter? But yes the level of hypocrisy runs rampant throughout our nation.
Right ?!?! Murder 1 ceo and yer a terrorist. Repeatedly murder children in schools, ppl at work , at church, at concerts etc…. and that’s just expressing one’s 2A.
Stupid government. If that charge doesn’t scream 2 tiered justice system nothing does.
The FBI defines what is and what is not terrorism. I have yet to see a school shooter was trying to effect social or political change. Just "terrorizing" people does not make one a terrorist.
KFA shouldn't have a problem getting that charge dropped. It's truly sad to see the absolute blatant misapplication of the law in our system. You can really tell that the "ruling class" is trying to make an example of him.
They didn’t shoot a rich CEO which obviously they are more important and needs the extra protection!! Or as the magas dear leader and the NRA have said “ it’s the price of freedom and get over it “ !!!
Dylan Roof went to a church and killed nine people with the express intention to provoke a race war. But it wasn’t terrorism I guess because the white man was on the wrong side of the gun for that.
Well at least we know who is in power. Same people it's been since we gave the Nazi POW's the Royal Treatment, and then dispersed them throughout the Nation
I would also like to ask where are all the terrorism charges for corrupt politicians, who blackmail people with food, shelter and medicine to accept slave jobs, and who support genocidal rogue states and deliberately destroy our only planet for the sake of profit for themselves.
ProPublica reported that many insurance companies contract with EviCore ... to force more preauthorization reviews. This process leads to higher rates of denied claims: Their sales team has pointed to “a 15% increase in denials” and a “3-to-1 return on investment” for the companies using EviCore.
“a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic”
- Joseph Stalin
Trump and Elon want televised execution(s).
“Sado-Populism” is the term Tim Snyder called the situation that we are about to [crown], at least seven years ago.
I will try to find that lecture & post.
Everyone please call Gerry Connelly! Phone: (202) 225-1492. Tell him to give AOC the chair to the committee. Tell him we won't win . He needs to step down. Media plays a big part. He doesn't understand social media .call.share..
Huh. Luigi Mangione is labelled a terrorist for killing a wealthy white man, but Daniel Penny is regarded as a “Subway Superman” by this same group of people upon having choked a homeless black man to death. What a double standard. Ridiculous.
Kyle Rittenhouse shot white people and Luigi is white lol, stop mixing up class and race. This is why the rich get away with so much, they have us fighting over the color of our skin while they are keeping power with their bank accounts.
In my lifetime, no one has united Left and Right the way Luigi "The Adjuster" Mangione has. What's more important, your tribal bullshit or saving 68,000 Americans from being killed by medical insurance corporation?
Ahh the kids again. Those are expendables the real victims are any CEO of companies whose multi billion contracts and shell games. Kids? Who needs them
IMO, he’s a warrior he fought for a patient rights & hopefully a movement who were being denied treatment at their doctors request.
They decided who lived and who died. This is all about money . They are even being investigated for insider trading.
Hope they live in fear !
I was going to ask how this was terrorism, but hey .. someone set a synagogue on fire here and even though the jewish community is like .03% it was apparently terrorism as well. Maybe that word means something different to me ?
ehh dumb take, you can't treat this guy like a hero of the people and then say it isn't terrorism when everyone is cheering the feint news that CEOs are "afraid"
He isn’t a hero but he’s also not a terrorist. Mass shooters have our children terrorized and not once were they charged with terrorism. Let’s stop pretending the law cares about anyone who isn’t rich.
Those are legit terrorists
The responsibility for investigating and charging Trump rests with DOJ.
And ‘treason’ is very narrowly defined. ‘Treason’ means aiding a foreign foe while we’re at war.
You seem quick with anger and insults. That shows you have no discipline. Discipline is the trait most highly correlated with happiness.
I’m sorry life hasn’t given what you want.
Lives SAVED.
Now the man is a murderer, if he is indeed guilty of the crime. That is not a question. But a terrorist? Seems kind of silly.
The GOP has made gun access so easy more innocents died in yet another school shooting. Who are the terrorists?
He deliberately killed 600,000 Americans with COVID. Enough.
He killed a man and needs to go to prison. The real terrorists, in my opinion, are the NRA, school shooters and every representative in Washington who did not push hard for #GUNREFORM #GUNCONTROL #BANASSAULTWEAPONS
Power of the people to reject gaslighting and sane washing. Advertisers will see the drop in viewership.
No shootings are acceptable
And that terrorist by definition, Kyle Rittenhouse.
If I were them, I wouldn’t ignore it. People have had it with their greed.
Stupid government. If that charge doesn’t scream 2 tiered justice system nothing does.
The employees of UHC were so scared after the assassination, they didn’t postpone their conference…
This is where we are as a society.
- Joseph Stalin
Trump and Elon want televised execution(s).
“Sado-Populism” is the term Tim Snyder called the situation that we are about to [crown], at least seven years ago.
I will try to find that lecture & post.
I don't believe it was him.
This doesn’t look like a well-regulated militia
I know of no reason the CEO’s treason should ever be forgot.
They entered and ransacked Congress. They wanted to hung a vice president.
They decided who lived and who died. This is all about money . They are even being investigated for insider trading.
Hope they live in fear !
They admitted it on camera! WTF, America?!?