It's time to rethink our international relations.
Reliance on an increasingly unstable U.S. needs to be reviewed, more so now than ever given who is in control south of the border and the vitriol they spew.
Reliance on an increasingly unstable U.S. needs to be reviewed, more so now than ever given who is in control south of the border and the vitriol they spew.
As a Canadian I'm sure as hell not.
Great cultural closeness and no imaginable scenario which could become a threat to the other.
Plus, it would reduce that constant dictatorial influence from 'the empire of exceptional people' to the South to a more enjoyable coexistence.
As Trump tanks the US economy, the last thing we need is to be shackled to the deckchairs on the Titanic...
Hence the intensified discussions with Europe
Many Americans seem to suffer the delusion that they are the best country in the World.
Being polite, I mostly just smile and think... 😊
Our media is bought out by the same billionaires who keep us down
Many of us are educated & understand that it’s not the best country in the world. The problem is that education is unaffordable to the average American
How sad
Even if some mitigation happens in 2 years and liberal control regained in 2028 -US will now always be percentage point away from dictatorship.
Nazis cannot be converted.
Thank you for being good allies for decades.
Do not let Canada fall to your own right wing.
Protect yourselves. Don’t let this false America “Democracy” influence the people in your own countries.
Americans need you to fight back against our dictatorship.
Trump is going to push other countries to far, and the people are going to suffer for it.
I want to say hunker down for a bit and the rest of the free world will come rescue you. ❤️
USA cannnot be relied upon since Russian agents stole control over our nation to become a Nazi state.
We underestimated.
Jesus fuckin’Christ, like I realllly underestimated the American voter.
Way back.
IF that’s what the majority of Canadians vote for and want - who am I to stop it? I certainly won’t enable them.
… I don’t need to say it. Look at AB. Look at the USA.
Up shit creek without a paddle (and holes in the boat).