The fact that he is a dumbass lightweight is becoming more apparent as people focus a bit on politics with the US trying to screw us and the Liberals electing a new leader/PM.
Nobody trusts PP to protect Canadians from the mess the US is making.
In the days of Facebook, I recall posting about the occupation of our Parliament. I was so angry and disgusted that my hands were shaking. The despicable cowards in charge of law and order in the City of Ottawa deserve a special place in hell. Truck-driving Nazi trash has no place in our country.
Nobody trusts PP to protect Canadians from the mess the US is making.
Vote Liberal.
Those idiots were a disgrace 😡
He is a security risk
-Beyond the $4.3B in lost trade
-$300 M in added security & clean-up
-Lost wages and revenue for Ottawa businesses.
That PRICE is called C O N S E Q U E N C E S
- often described as F A F O
Robocalls and endless negativity. Another Harper failure. Refuses to get security clearance. Not trustworthy.
Never Poilievre!