Christopher Luxon's Coalition Government is putting a less qualified anti-choice, anti-abortion MP to lead the health portfolio. An MP who *CELEBRATES* the fall of abortion rights and abortion access in the United States.
This is wildly irresponsible. We deserve better. #abortion #nzpol #Luxon
This is wildly irresponsible. We deserve better. #abortion #nzpol #Luxon
Voted against decriminalising abortion (2020).
Opposed safe zones for women accessing abortion (2022).
Led anti-abortion campaigns at uni.
Celebrated Roe v. Wade overturn.
Outdated and dangerous. #NZPol #WomensRights #ReproductiveJustice #OutdatedLeadership
The fish rots from the head down.
A one term government is our only option. We must mobilise to end this homogenisation and whitewashing of health.