He wasn't cut out. He is out of view of the photographer who is standing on the opposite side of the pillar. The photographers weren't given free roam during the service,
That looks to be when the casket was leaving the church and there are photos from the other angle showing him and Melanoma. And he is the only one in that photo who does not have his hand over his heart.
True enough, it's not just Trump and his upside down Bible. Doesn't know a single verse or Psalm, but it doesn't matter to the evangelicals because it's not about religion it's about power. They have prostituted themselves to Trump to attain power
[ Why is there a sticker of a column over his face ? ]
Please note that during the procession *Rump was the only one with his hands at his side. He has not respect for Carter or American.
"Negative attention [i]s better than no attention."
~Adam F. Goldberg
He thrives on the attention, even if it's negative attention.