How is it useful to shame people who are your allies? These cars are already purchased and their stock has never been tied to car sales. Who can lose thousands on trading in a car to virtue signal? Only the rich. And fyi, If you have any stock funds, they are most likely invested in Tesla.
The fascists want us hating and fearing each other. Think about how you build coalitions. Do you really think trying to shame your neighbor anonymously is the way to build trust and community?
Long term you have a point. But right now is a tipping point. People need to realize the world has changed - Teslas are no longer clean green nor accepted by society. Once this message is understood, coalition building is important and you ask your neighbors "WHEN are you going to sell?"
It is always posters who shield themselves in anonymity who ask others to do things that are divisive and harmful. I will not shame my neighbors. I will invite them over, as I often do, knowing that it is friendly, supportive community than make us resilient through fires, earthquakes, and fascism.
Boycott is a social pressure campaign. If you believe in fighting fascism, ask your neighbors kindly to trade in their cars. But someone has to draw a line.
It's not boycotting if they already own the car. How hard is this to understand? You can alienate your neighbors anonymously. But don't encourage others to do it. We need community, not shaming!
No, I'm advocating for being kind and generous with your neighbors, especially those you've identified as progressive! Community=resilience. Shaming your neighbors, alienating your neighbors, will not help you or them or our country. But it is EXACTLY what the Mump regime wants you to do.
And who is this "we" you talk about? Like, who are you all? What are your names? Where do you live? Why are you hiding in anonymity? You're encouraging us to see shaming our neighbors as some sort of brave act, while you're not brave enough to be yourself here. It's actually pretty shameful!
You are drawing the wrong line. You and your neighbors will need to be able to trust each other when disaster strikes. Shaming them for a car purchase (and doing it anonymously, though of course Teslas have cameras!) harms your community and makes people distrust. Wake up to this reality!
I'm calling for people to stand up for their values and fight an unelected dictator. Average household income of Tesla owners is over $150,000. If owner can't afford to trade in for a car that reflects their values...sure buy the "I bought this before Elon went crazy" bumper sticker.
Here in Southern California, where practically every other house has a Tesla parked in the driveway, $150k for a household is middle income at best. A few years ago, it was big diesel trucks who would "roll coal" in front of Teslas and other EVs to try and shame them. Really helped build community!
What do you propose? You seem to be advocating for doing nothing, that's a losing strategy
"Nice car, neighbor! How about those smart kids at DOGE?"
Not playing. We're sympathetic to everyone who Elon conned - but we need to draw a line.