I read that the devs really wanted to make it a GBA game but Capcom vetoed due to cost of redoing stuff, so it really is pushing the GBC to the limits.
i made a small game for a friend's birthday. he hasn't had time to play it yet but i know he's gonna love it given the injoke-y nature of it. he's expressed excitement for it. and, i had fun making it. does that count...?
I have been on a big creative streak! A lot of versifying, a lot of music-making...for me it is always a good and meaningful feeling when I am applying myself that way. As an amazing artist and punsmith, I reckon it's a feeling you're familiar with. :)
it’s the best feeling in the world!! i feel that in ebbs and flows with the comic, but every year without fail i get this feeling times ten during october. i love the halloween comics lol
I got hit with some unexpected costs this month and was worried I’d run out of food money, but a freelance audition came through and I got paid just in time to cover it.
we are very proud, it turned out great c:
the goblin bunker was founded by tim rogers but it acts basically independent of him lol
but it's a really cool group.